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De-activate EXE License using Third-Party Licensing & Activation Toolkit

Is there a way to de-activate a license file using the functions in the TPLA toolkit? I'm using LV2011 and installed the toolkit. I've called the IP2Lib32.dll successfully to activate but it does not have a way to de-activate manually.  To de-activate automatically, I run:  myProgram.exe\ DEACTIVATE but this doesn't allow for the de-activation to occur from another computer.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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Message 1 of 4

I don't know about third-parties but the regular de-activation process is the following...See Document ID: 3TUA30KK

Alejandro C. | National Instruments
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Message 2 of 4
(2,360 Views) wrote:

I don't know about third-parties but the regular de-activation process is the following...See Document ID: 3TUA30KK

He is referencing the Third Party License Toolkit from NI, not some third party licensing! I can't give a solution to his problem, as I know that Toolkit only marginally but it seems to me he wants to use that Toolkit to license his own library and have a way to revoke a license for that library.

Rolf Kalbermatter
My Blog
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Message 3 of 4

That's right.  But I'm using the library to license an executable.  The activate/deactivate functionality can be utilized with the InstantPlus software in a number of ways but they all seem to fall short of a complete solution:


1. Injecting the EXE code works only with 32-bit programs

2. Calling the InstantPlus DLLs provides unclear instructions for the end users (if the program is already activated, it asks them if they want to activate, not de-activate, etc). 

3. Calling the program with /DEACTIVATE in the command line only works for online de-activation, not through another computer

4. Labview's toolkit doesn't include a deactivation capability at all.


That leaves the InstantPlus API, which is going to require more low-level code work than I was hoping for and I'm still not sure its going to work. 


That said, I think the product will be very useful once it gets some kinks worked out.  If anyone has been down this path before and has some advice, I'd appreciate it.

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Message 4 of 4