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Deployment Completed with Errors on sbRIO-9651 using LabVIEW 2017 SP1

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I have a question regarding a nagging problem that we've been having lately with our LabVIEW RT Application and sbRIO-9651 SOM controllers. I'm trying to run the top-level RT VI for our application from the project explorer window. When I do that, LabVIEW begins to deploy all of the VI's within the application but at the very end of the deployment there is a message that states "Deployment completed with errors" as you can see in the attached screenshot. Then the board restarts and I lose connection. I have gone through the list of deployed VI's and do not see any VI's that are broken or have been deployed with an error. The only indication of an error in the deployment is at the end of the deployment
I tried running a simple example program on the RIO called sbRIO-9651 Read On-Board Temperatures. The RT code for this example project has an enable/disable diagram structure surrounding the FPGA interface reference section of the code. I was able to duplicate the error when this section of code was enabled. However, when this section of code was disabled and only the RT code was run on the controller (no FPGA interface) the code was able to deploy and run successfully. The additional attached screenshots show this as well.
We have 2 custom carrier cards that two separate SOM boards are docked on. This problem has occurred on both of these systems. We also have a third SOM with the NI Reference Carrier Card in-house. I've also swapped out the SOM from the reference carrier card with the SOM on our custom board and the error persists. I've also used 2 different development laptops to try and deploy the code and the error persists. The only way I'm able to run the top-level RT VI on the SOM and custom board is when the FPGA interface VI's are disabled. However, the VI's run with no problem on the NI Reference Carrier Card (FPGA Reference VI's enabled).
We're running:
Windows 10
LabVIEW 2017 SP1
NI CompactRIO 17.0 on the SOMs
I'm communicating with the SOM's via the USB connection.
Any help would be sincerely appreciated.
Thank you,


0 Kudos
Message 1 of 21

Hi Alex,


Have you been able reformat the software stack on the RIOs? GO ahead and reformat the RIO, sometimes this can be caused by a software stack corruption.

Hardware Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 21

Howdy Alex,


Thank you for the response. I have been able to reformat the software stack on the RIO's in the past. I misspoke in my previous post. The current SOM's are running CompactRIO 17.6. One of the original steps I took was updating from CompactRIO 17.0 to CompactRIO 17.6. I can try again though if you think there is value added.


Best regards,




0 Kudos
Message 3 of 21

In similar cases we've seen in the past, the reformat was able to resolve the issue. Please refer to the following document:


How Do I Format My Real-Time Target and Reinstall the Software?

Hardware Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 21

Howdy Alex G.


Thank you for the suggestion. I've formatted the disk in the past to no avail. I went ahead and formatted it again to double-check and I still receive the deployment error after reinstalling the software. I don't believe that it is a software issue with the SOM because the SOM (I'll call it Proto1 SOM) works when I put it on the Reference Carrier Card. Likewise the SOM that came with the Reference Carrier Card (which I'll refer to as the Ref SOM) does not work when I put it on our custom boards. So to summarize:


  • Both SOM's (Proto1 and Ref) operate properly (RT code with FPGA VI Interface) on the Reference Carrier Card
  • Both SOM's (Proto1 and Ref) do not operate properly (RT code only deploys and executes. NO FPGA VI Interface code) on our custom boards.

I appreciate your help and any more suggestions that you might have.


Thank you,


Alex M.

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 21

So to clarify we are able to successfully deploy the software when:

1. Both SOMs are on the Reference Carrier Card

2. When you use the example program

Is this correct? Do the custom boards work with the example program? And does the Reference Carrier Card work with your code? 

Hardware Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 21

Alex G.,


I am able to successfully deploy the complete software (RT and FPGA) when:

  1. Both SOMs are on the Reference Carrier Card for the:
    1. Example program
    2. Our developed program

I am not able to successfully deploy the complete software (RT and FPGA) when:

  1. Both SOMs are on the custom carrier card

However, I am able to partially deploy the software (RT code only) when:

  1. Both SOMs are on the custom carrier card for both the:
    1. Example program
    2. Our developed program

Below are some screenshots of a top-level RT VI block diagram within a test project. The annotations call out when these VI's are able to successfully deploy to the target.

Enabled FPGA VI Interface.Enabled FPGA VI Interface.


Disabled FPGA VI Interface.Disabled FPGA VI Interface.

I apologize for any misunderstanding. I hope this better clarifies for you the problem that I am seeing. Please let me know if you have any more questions.


Best regards,


Alex M.

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 21

In regards to the carrier card, is the reference carrier card one that was included with the sbRIO kit? Or was this also something you custom designed? From the description above it sounds like the issue is following the carrier card. Are there any known hardware differences between your card and the reference?

Hardware Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 21

Yes, this is the Reference Carrier Card that comes included with the sbRIO development kit:

Our custom board is something that the electronics engineers here custom designed. To my knowledge, they followed the carrier board design guide:

The electronics engineers are looking into potential differences between the two carrier cards. 


In addition, the other interesting behavior that we have observed is that the FPGA VI's will execute stand-alone in interactive mode:

FPGA VI's  executing in interactive mode from project explorer.FPGA VI's executing in interactive mode from project explorer.


It seems like the deployment error results from a combination of the VI's from the FPGA Interface palette and our custom board. 

FPGA Interface PaletteFPGA Interface Palette


This seems to me to be strange behavior. Is there any reason why these VI's and a custom board might cause a deployment error?


I appreciate all of your time and help and look forward to hearing your response.


Best regards,


Alex M.

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 21
Accepted by topic author jam92

Hey Alex,


If the VIs work on the Carrier Card and not on the custom board, then there's going to be something specific to the custom board that's causing issues.


Regarding the interactive mode VIs, I apologize for not quite understanding your point. If an FPGA VI runs, that says to me that it's working properly. Are you saying that if you only run the FPGA VI directly for the custom board, it works? How are you running the FPGA VI when you're trying to start the project - does the RT VI call it and tell it to run?



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Message 10 of 21