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Display two signals from arrays in different speed

I would like to display two different signals in the same chart. Until now I displayed one signal by calling the values of an array in a specific frequency to simulate a real time signal like it could be acquired from a DAQ. So the chart displays a running signal. In addition I would like to display onther signal out of an array that contains the thresholds for the running signal. The whole threshold-signal should be displayed instantaniously, so I can observe the running signal compared to the whole threshold-signal. I already tried to use the merge signal and bundle functions but it didn't work at all. It seems like there is also a problem with die dimension of the arrays, because by calling single values out of the running signal array it is 1D and the threshold signal array, which should display completely, is a 2D array.


I would be happy to read your ideas about that.


Attached is a picture of what I've got so far and what I want to achieve.



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Message 1 of 14

I don't think you can use a chart for what you want because charts just take one value at a time and keep a history of them, so I don't think there's really a good way to graph a lot of values at once onto a chart like you want to for your threshold signal. You should probably use an xy graph or a waveform graph. If your samples are all taken at uniform time intervals then use a waveform graph, if the timing is not uniform then use an xy graph.


Here, I tried doing a little example (attached) of how you might put the two signals together for both an xy graph or a waveform graph. I think my examples are probably pretty inefficient because they build a new array every loop iteration, but I'm not sure of a better way to do it. You might try tinkering around with them and see if you can figure out something better.



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Message 2 of 14

Thank you prettypwnie,


I tried your solutions but it seems like they dont work in my case. The source of both signals (Thresholds and Running) are arrays. The Threshold array has lets say 100 values that define the signal I want to display immediately. The running signal array only contains 1 value that is updated every second and defines the trend of the signal. I think the threshold array could also be converted into a cluster if needed. neither a Waveform Graph nor a XY Graph are able to display the signals after I bundling them. I always get broken wires.


Right now I would also be statisfied with displaying the threshold signal in the same speed like the running signal but even that doesn't work. Displaying both signals on their own works but bundle them always leads to a broken wire to a graph.


I am sorry if I am up a blind alley, LabVIEW is pretty new to me.

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Message 3 of 14
Can you post the code of what you tried so I can see what doesn't work about it?
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Message 4 of 14

For example this should display both signals, threshold and running, at the same time. It is no problem to display them own their own like this with a waveform chart, but when I bundle them nothing works.



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Message 5 of 14

Using a waveform graph instead of a XY graph leads to a not broken wire but the graph doesnt display anything. Its like It is displaying only one point and not the history I think.

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Message 6 of 14

The Nugget "Sporatic Wavefrom..." by Crossrulz found here.


That may be helpful.



Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
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Message 7 of 14
My example shows all the points on both a waveform and an xy graph so I'm not sure what you're doing wrong when you try to incorporate it into your code. My only guess right now is maybe one of your tunnels is auto-indexing that shouldn't be and maybe that's why you're only getting one point. But that's just a guess. If you post your code I can help more.
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Message 8 of 14

I posted the code of what I tried after reviewig your examples above

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Message 9 of 14

Here is another try to display at least one running signal in a Waveform graph. The Graph is not showing a signal. The X and Y Axis are autoautoadjusting but no graph is displayed.



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Message 10 of 14