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Drag & Drop on subpanel and VI pane

Hi all.


My LV 2016 application works with actor core VIs in subpanels. The management of these VIs is done via D&D. The D&D events are implemented in the main VI with an array of subpanel references connected to user event registration. This works very well, but there is one case I could not get implemented:


When anything is dropped on an empty subpanel, the entire subpanel is a valid drop target. When a VI is already inserted in a subpanel and anything is dropped there, only the subpanel frame and label are a valid drop traget. If I want to have the entire VI area inside the subpanel as a target, I need to catch the drop inside the sub VI. But only a control could catch drops, not the pane. I need to add a drop event for every control on the sub VI and I need to cover the pane with a color box to support dopping there too. This is a problem, because the sub VIs are from a large class hierarchy and D&D needs to be explicitly implemented for each of thes VIs. 


Any suggestions for a smarter implementation?


Kind regards


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You cannot have LV 2016 since it will be released in August, unless you are a beta tester (and then you are under NDA).

I am not sure if this can help you, but you could have a look, it might answer your question, or give other ideas:


edit: after a second reading I see i gave a non relevant example. I think under this link there is a discussion about what you try to get:

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