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Error 2209 (RT FIFO DLL is not bound) when using enhanced DSC support in Exe

Hello there,


i have an exe which is using some shared variables with RT FIFO. The exe builds and runs fine. Now I need enhanced DSC support because I want to programmatically change shared variables network url (like described here). But when i build exe with enhanced DSC runtime support i get the above error when running the exe. I also tried to make an installer and added deployment of enhanced DSC runtime but same result. When I run my application from development environment everthing is fine.




- Thomas -
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 4

I use LV2010 ...

- Thomas -
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 4



this problem is a known issue and is fixed in LabVIEW 2010 SP1.


I you are not able ugrade to 2010 SP1 I can tell you two wordarounds:

- Disable Enhanced DSC Run-Time Support. As long as you aren't using the Save to Library VI or the Deploy Libraries VI you should be able to disable the enhanced support.
- You can also disable the RT FIFO on the shared variable.


Maybe you can check if you have installed the standard Run-Time Engine, not only the minimum Run-Time Engine (minimum RTE). This may help too.


Best regards


Certified LabVIEW Developer (CLD)
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Message 3 of 4

I have now installed 2010 SP1 but problem is now even worse. Instead of LV error 2009 i get an "Fatal Internal Error: Memory Manager, line 663". Again this is only true if i use RT FIFO in combination with enhanced DSC support.


I need enhanced DSC support because I use SharedVariableIO Network.URL property.


And about that RT FIFO's. Maybe i can change them to normal variables. Question: If i have shared variable on host application (GUI) which is bound to compact RIO shared variable, and that RIO variable is RT FIFO, do I need to also make host side RT FIFO to ensure realtime data flow?




- Thomas -
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Message 4 of 4