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Error 4822 and 4823 from mic in Continious Meashuring and Logging

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I modified the Continius Meashuring and Logging for my Microphone of laptop. I made all steps in the Modifying this Sample Project. After that It has the 4822 and 4823 Errors. I

I'd try to put the What am I duing wrong?


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Message 1 of 4

Wow, you chose one of NI's more complex, dense Project Templates, and you want us to figure out why your DAQ step is not working.  I'm not even sure I can find it.  I did find that you are attempting to acquire data from SB Audigy Audio (BCA0) -- oops, I think I just found Configure Sound Acquire.


You do know what the errors mean, don't you?  4822 is a Timeout error, and 4823 is a "There is no Active Task" error.  That's the one that has probably the real culprit.


Here's a suggestion -- forget about Fancy, and Doing Everything All At Once Without Needing to Think.  I'm not sure I've worked with the Sound functions you have embedded in your Acquisition library, but why not try writing a very simple routine that connects to the Sound Card, listens to the Microphone for, say 5 seconds, and outputs the data (maybe sampled at 5KHz) on a Chart.  Plug in a microphone, start your little test routine, and sing -- I'll bet it doesn't work, and gives you these errors.  But now you have a Simple Question, and Simple Code -- put in Probes, try to figure it out, maybe look at Simple Examples, or come back here with Simple Examples that we can try to understand/fix.


Once you get the Simple Things worked out, putting them in this more Complex routine should be much easier.


Bob Schor


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Message 2 of 4
Accepted by topic author 198mikhail

I fogot about "Number of Samples/ch". I found it when have been doing simple thinks. Thanks.

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Message 3 of 4

Could you tell something more about it? Thanks.

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Message 4 of 4