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FPGA sine wave on the myRIO audio out?

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I want to generate a roughly 200mV 50Hz sine wave on one of the channels of the myRIO audio output. I want to use the FPGA on the myRIO to save CPU space. I am struggling to find a solution. I have attached my I am also brand new to labVIEW.



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Message 1 of 6
Accepted by topic author AKid

Hi AKid,


is that VI meant to run on the FPGA? Are you sure all those functions/ExpressVIs are allowed for FPGA programming?

Did you compile this VI for FPGA? Did you get any error messages while trying so?


I am also brand new to labVIEW.

Did you notice those learning resources offered in the header of this LabVIEW board?

I suggest 3 steps:

1. Learn LabVIEW basics.

2. Learn LabVIEW-RealTime basics.

3. Learn LabVIEW-FPGA basics.

(This may sound harsh, but is good advice from own experience.)

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
Message 2 of 6

Hi AKid, 


It's probably best to put this on the RT or the host computer. 


Is there a reason you want this done on the FPGA? That's used for simple and fast computation usually because there is such limited space on the chip. 





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Message 3 of 6



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Message 4 of 6

Hi Guys,

Thanks for the advice. I did the FPGA module at ni learn and got what I needed to know. I have another question.


So I can generate my sine wave on the fpga and in the host VI, I can change my amplitude and frequency through the front panel in real time, however, when I make this host VI a sub VI to use in my, as attached below, it doesn't change the variables in real time. What am I doing wrong? Regards

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 6

Hi AKid,


I did the FPGA module at ni learn and got what I needed to know.

Did you also take the (core) LabVIEW basics course?


What am I doing wrong?


Your "subVI" has a loop (minor fail) and waits for user input (big fail).

As the subVI does NOT open its frontpanel the input can never occur! Moreover you are using a headless RIO device: there is no display to show any frontpanels…


Simple solution: integrate to code of your subVI in the MainVI.

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
Message 6 of 6