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Finding interpolated peaks with peak detector.

I am having trouble accurately finding the peak in my data using the Peak Detector VI.  I want to find the interpolated peak in a data set with one major peak with some noise across the spectrum.  When I increase the width parameter,  the peak is shifted from the actual location. I have tried filtering the data without much success  either.  See attached vi that contains a sample data set and what I have been trying so far.
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Message 1 of 3

Hello TB,

This is expected behavior.  If you read the LabVIEW 8.20 Help, it says "Large widths can reduce the apparent amplitude of peaks and shift the apparent location."  I would experiment with your width control value until it is accurately selecting the peak values.

Have a great weekend!

Janell R | Applications Engineer

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Message 2 of 3

What if m width location is 3 (lowest accepted minimum) and my peak locations are still shifted? I have read through many threads on this and I can't get everything to line up. I've posted my own thread about this but it appears to be getting no attention, maybe because this has been a problem so much

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