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Gauge customization

I need to custumize a gauge, There are some items that i can´t figure a way to do it:
- Change the scale numbers to outside the gauge but maintain the scale ticks inside the gauge.
- Increase the size of the scale ticks.
- Change the color of some particular ticks (not all)
Anyone have an idea how i can do this??
I appreciate some help.
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Message 1 of 3

@IDILIO wrote:
- Change the scale numbers to outside the gauge but maintain the scale ticks inside the gauge.

I don't think you can change the position of the ticks and numbers. I suggest you try using a knob instead (where the numbers are outside) and customize it to look like a gauge.

- Increase the size of the scale ticks.

I don't think you can do that either, but you can replace them with another image (like a thick line). Even so, the modification does not seem  to stick.

- Change the color of some particular ticks (not all)

I don't think you will be able to do that at all. You can set seperate colors for the major and minor ticks in the properties, but I don't think you can set which is which.

You might wish to try creating your indicator using the picture control where you can do everything yourself.

Try to take over the world!
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Message 2 of 3

@tst wrote:
I don't think you can change the position of the ticks and numbers. I suggest you try using a knob instead (where the numbers are outside) and customize it to look like a gauge.

Yes, we can change the position of the ticks and numbers (together), go to custumize, right click in the ticks and "Reverse Ticks".
(but it's possible to do this in the slide, just drag the numbers to the other side of the ticks)

I don't think you can do that either, but you can replace them with another image (like a thick line). Even so, the modification does not seem  to stick.

Yes, but the image doesn't rotate around the gauge, so big trash.
(but it's possible to do this in the slide, just resize the ticks)

I don't think you will be able to do that at all. You can set seperate colors for the major and minor ticks in the properties, but I don't think you can set which is which.

You might wish to try creating your indicator using the picture control where you can do everything yourself

Yes, i know that i can separete the colors of major and minor ticks, but isn't that i want, i want just to color the ticks is some set point (alarms and warnings).

Yes, yes,yes i can use the picture control, but i can also use assembler and specify all the pixels in the screen and i can also do everything.


Message Edited by IDILIO on 07-06-2007 05:54 AM

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