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Graphical Indicator for Duty Cycle Sink

I cannot seem to make this Duty cycle symbol (circled in red in the figure attached).

All the direction say for making this symbol is:

  1. Remove the Duty Cycle (%) and take your scaled signal to the Duty Cycle sink of Stimulate Signal.
  2. Right Click on the wire leading into the Duty Cycle sink. Select Create and choose Graphical Indicator. This will allow you to see the signal and make sure it is between 0 and 100.

This did not work. It made a normal graphical indicator symbol like the one you see labeled Square in the picture. I know it is possible to make this symbol, but I cannot seem to figure it out.


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Message 1 of 6

I can't seem to create it either. It may just be that your instructor got fancy with MS Paint and tried to obscure graphic to make you search harder. (It would definitely be in line with their love of dynamic data!).


Either way, there are basically 2 types of objects used to view a 1D array of data in LabVIEW. There is the graph, which will show exactly what you wire into it, wiping away any previous data when you write to it. And there is the chart, which will concatenate points up to a certain length (the history length) keeping previous data to view. It seems like you want the graph here (which is what Square is) to view the entire signal at once.

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Message 2 of 6



I was wondering if it might be an Indicator (or Control?) viewed as an Icon.  I tried playing with those awful Dynamic Data Wires, but couldn't quite get a similar image ...


Bob Schor

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Message 3 of 6

To get that glyph the DAQ Assistant must be set for a single sample task 1 ch 1 sample on demand.


Of course you need a Chart not a Graph or nothing really makes sense that way.  More a case of do "it the right way not like I did it."  and all handed out to students and everything! Sweet


"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
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Message 4 of 6

@Bob - It is definitely viewed as icon, I just couldn't figure out how to get the blank icon because neither a chart nor a graph would give it to me. But Jeff's 1 sample trick got it for me.


@Jeff - Nice find! If I create the graph that way, even wiring a 1D double array to it does not switch the icon back, very strange. It's unfortunate, a lot of people's first exposure to LabVIEW is in a lab class like this, probably taught by a grad student who doesn't even like LabVIEW very much, It's no wonder it gets the reputation of being inferior to text programming languages. 

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Message 5 of 6

@Krystal - here is a good article on using some actual DAQmx functions instead of the DAQ assistant. It may not be allowed for this assignment but it will help you out if you continue to use DAQ functions in the future.

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Message 6 of 6