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HP4084 switch matrix controller

Hi everybody,


My measurement software now shall support a HP4062 test system consisting of a HP4142 analyzer and a HP4084 switch matrix controller. These instruments are already quite old and the manuals seem to have been lost over time.

The HP4142 is no problem, but does anybody have a LV driver for the HP4084 or a document with a listing of the GPIB commands?




0 Kudos
Message 1 of 16

I have never seen anyone say that they have these needed commands for the HP4084B or any other units in the HP4062UX system. I also have need of these commands for LabVIEW. I tried to send a message to Agilent, but every time I hit send, their site crashes... hmmm... it's like they don't want to be bothered.


Please, is a list of these commands available and could I have a copy?

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 16

please send me some Informection about  HP4142 Instrument and also how to work on this in Labview Tool

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 16

Manual for the 4142 is still available from Agilent's website.

The 4142 uses the FLEX language, so if you have drivers for the 4155 B/C in Flex (not SCPI !), you can use them with only little modifications.



0 Kudos
Message 4 of 16

Attached is what you need for 4084 GPIB commands to control HP4062 4085B test head switching

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 16

Thanks, that's great!

We do have a large switching system with 2 controller HP4084B. These controllers need an additional "PO" command, which seems to establish the routing of the signal between the parts of the matrix handled by each controller. However, this command is not described in this manual.

Any chance you might have an addendum referring to this command or a newer version?




0 Kudos
Message 6 of 16

If you have an HP4062UX system with 2-HP4084B then you have 1 of only 50 such systems (96-pin test head) produced for IBM by HP between 1983 and 1985.  I have attached the only addendum I have and will look for other info on my 96-pin systems.

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 16

Only 50 of these systems? We even got 2 of those here.

It would be great if you could find something regarding the GPIB commands. The programming manual just tells you which subroutines to call with HP-BASIC.



0 Kudos
Message 8 of 16



I also have this system. I used the first document provided by JunkMan, where I could find all the necessary GPIB commands.

All the errors are also reported, which was quite useful for debugging while implementing the code in Labview.

I still don't understand how to read the status byte, but so far I don't really need it. Maybe someone knows how to do? As far as I am concerned, after I write into the VISA, and subsequently I read the VISA after a defined timeout value. The status byte is an output of Read VISA, but I didn't manage to get anything..


Thank you.




0 Kudos
Message 9 of 16

Hi Florian,


the VISA palette has a function to read the status byte from the instrument.


Good luck


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Message 10 of 16