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Help with MAX Calibration inside a VI

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If anyone is familliar with NI MAX, I could use some help on this one. 

I have a fairly basic VI with the purpose of recording and exporting data to TDMS files. This part works fine.


What I'm having an issue with is a second functionality the user wants to have available to them. They want to be able to see the coefficients in a polynomial calibration while the VI is running so they can make sure the calibration is up to date. Even more helpful would be an indicator for when the device was last calibrated, but that is secondary. The problem is that the calibration in this case is done in the Custom Scaling part of MAX, as shown below in a few screenshots. Capture.JPG


^This is the information I want displayed on my LabVIEW front panel.


Thank you!

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Message 1 of 6

One thing is the calibration and another the scales, in that screenshot you are setting a custom scale to calibrate the device independently if it has been calibrated or not.


You can use the self calibration in MAX, check the images I attach from MAX to see the calibration dates

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Message 2 of 6
Accepted by topic author try_guy90

Thanks, but I'm trying to avoid using MAX here. I want a standalone VI that sets the scaling coefficients from that program. I actually figured most of it it out on my own. Here's what I've got: 




It tries to set the coefficients of an already-existing scale, and creates one if the scale doesn't already exist. 

Message 3 of 6

That's cool, but you are creating a scale, indirectly calibrating.

Have you looked the calibration functions at the calibration Palette

Under: Measurement I/O/NI-DAQmx/Advanced/Calibration

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Message 4 of 6

Sure, but that's not how quality assurance protocols work here, so it would be useless to me. Individual pieces of hardware are 'calibrated' once a year, meaning that the scaling coefficients (among other things) are set at a standard value that we are required to use for testing. I appreciate trying to show me an alternative way to calibrate my devices, but that's not what I was looking for. 

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Message 5 of 6

oh, ok, that's a bit different, I thought you just wanted to calibrate the device

Check this

Is DAQmx Raw Data Calibrated and/or Scaled?

and this property node

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Message 6 of 6