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How to create an array of 0 and 1 as a filter after a FFT

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Good morning ! 

First of all, sorry if my english is not great, I am a French native ... And i am a beginner with Labview.

I would like to filter a part of my noise using a FFT, multiplicating by an array of 0 and 1 which I chose myself, and then do a FFT-1.

I am aware there is straight forward filter solution implemented into labview, but I really wish to go my way.

My question is : I am a little lost into all the array possibilities. How can i design one which will have the number of line i decide (which I link with my sample), and a succession of 0 or 1 , without having to type 0 and 1 two hundred times ?

As a result, I just want to multiply the result of my FFt by this new array.

Thank you very much for your attention ! 

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Message 1 of 4
Accepted by topic author Magea

are all the ones adjacent?

If so, Initialize an array of zeros with the full lenght, the initialize a smaller array with all ones and use "replace array subset" to place it into the larger array at the correct location.

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Message 2 of 4

Yes all the ones are adjacent ! 

I see what you mean,it makes much more sense that what I was trying to do ...

I ll try it right now.

Thank you very much

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Message 3 of 4

There is also "Pulse Pattern" that might do what you want directly. 😄

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Message 4 of 4