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How to create ascending 1D array

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This is something that has bugged me for a little while because I feel like there should be a much easier way to do this but after looking around for a while and not finding anything I figured I would ask. When working with arrays and XY graphs sometimes it is necessary to come up with a straight ascending array of the format [x, x+1, x+2, ..., X +(n-1), X + n] and while I know that this is reasonably straight forward to do with a FOR loop and auto-indexing I feel like there must be a VI somewhere that is able to do this much faster/easier/tidier.


Does anyone know of such a VI or have a different method of building these arrays?

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Ramp in the Signal Processing palette.



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I figured there was something like that but just getting the right terms to think/search for was causing problems. I'm not sure about faster, but it should definitely be tidier/easier.

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Message 3 of 4
(3,736 Views) wrote:

When working with arrays and XY graphs sometimes it is necessary to come up with a straight ascending array of the format [x, x+1, x+2, ..., X +(n-1), X + n] and while I know that this is reasonably straight forward to do with a FOR loop and auto-indexing I feel like there must be a VI somewhere that is able to do this much faster/easier/tidier.

Just a related comment: If all plots share the same x-values, it is much simpler to use a waveform graph and define x0 and dx for the x-axis. No ramp needed. (You can do that via property nodes or, even simpler, by bundling).


In your case ([x, x+1, x+2, ..., X +(n-1), X + n]) you only need to set x0, because dx remains at 1 (i.e. the default).



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