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I am using hundred vi's so 1st vi is the Main vi' and rest are priority based..

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Hi friends



Can anybody help me(I am using hundred vi's so 1st vi is the Main vi' and rest are priority based.. so wen i pop up say 10 vi's 1st will be main every time. now the question is i want have the 1st vi must be at the back of all the vi's n if i select the fisrt vi rest should not **bleep** front and rest all should be visibel as they are small display vi's) Look at the following.



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Message 1 of 10
If I understand your question, you need to go into the VI properties of the smaller windows and set them to be either floating or modal windows. Which you select depends on the exact behavior you want.


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Message 2 of 10
Accepted by topic author Bhargavsatya

If I understand correctly, you want to tell the system which of the pop-up windows is on top, which one below that, etc. for all windows that pop-up on screen.


I have done this before with a VI that keeps track of which windows are open and uses the panel properties to define which window is Frontmost.


Is that what you are looking for?



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Message 3 of 10

Hi mike


i have put all The sub vi's in Default and Main voi too now i want Main VI which is bigger to be in the back of all the Sub vi's even if i click on the bigger vi... this is working in code when create exe this is not happening

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Message 4 of 10





The big vi is Main Vi ... and small are sub vi's

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Message 5 of 10




.. I like to to tell how my code is


1) I have 1 main Vi... I set as Default...

2) I have 100 while in that with each dedicated vi s.. as Vi properties as floating.

3) I will cALL FROM MY MAIN VI SAY 20 SUB VIS... IF I CLICK  my main vi its commnig fron and all rest are going back .. so i don want to get my main vi in front so kindly help me about this

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Message 6 of 10
Keep the main window as default. Make all the others floating.

Certified Professional Instructor
Certified LabVIEW Architect
LabVIEW Champion

"... after all, He's not a tame lion..."

For help with grief and grieving.
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Message 7 of 10




 Even i tried that pls find the following pics / Screen Shots


1) Main view1










2) If i select the Bigg vi the viwe will be like2











3) all my smaller vi's going back





 I tried changing the small vi's as custom> default,floating and Modal and the main vi as Custom>> Floating, modal,Default.





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Message 8 of 10

If your main VI is set to Default and the subVIs are modal then the subVIs will always be on top of the main VI. Or you can have a process continually scan which wondows are open and make the highest priority window frontmost if it is not. That might make your screen flash if the user clicks on the main VI (it pops in front and the the scan process moves the other VIs to the front again).



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Message 9 of 10

Even that will not help my requirement ... i got some other way through downloading the .llb which makes my main vi keeps at the bottom every time.... thanks for the support.





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Message 10 of 10