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Inserting 1D Array into excel rows

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I have a VI which writes to a spreadsheet.  I generate a 1D array the first time the you run the VI which is placed into a spreadsheet.  If I do it directly I get the entire array only into 1 cell



If I tell it to transpose when writing to spreadsheet I get one value for each row in the first column.  



The second time I run the code the the VI reads the original array in excel and then appends the new data to the array and overwrites the file.  I would like to do one of two things. 


I would either like the data to write vertically with each new set being added to the next column or I want the new data write horizontally across the columns and append new data to new rows. I would prefer to just have the data write to individual cells within the same row fixing the issue in the top picture.  The main issue is that I want one value per cell in excel.  I have attached the VI and the data sheet to this inquiry.  The way it works is you put in the name of the file you would like to save.  Then you run it once.  You can then update the desired crosssection run it again and it should save to the file again.  Any ideas would be appreciated.

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Message 1 of 10

There's not attachment.

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Message 2 of 10

My browser won't let me attach the files.  Will do so shortly on differnent computer.

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Message 3 of 10
You haven't attached any code or explained what function you are using. If you use the Write to Spreadsheet File, you are not creating an Excel file. You are creating a text file with a delimiter. Tab is the default delimiter. Do NOT name the file with and xls extension.
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Message 4 of 10

As I said in a previous post my browser didn't let me upload the files.  I have  now attached them.

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Message 5 of 10
Still no attachment.
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Message 6 of 10

They are on the original post but I have added them again.

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Message 7 of 10

A minor quibble -- do not call this "Excel", as you are not using Excel.  LabVIEW's Read/Write Spreadsheet work with .csv files, not Excel's .xls/.xlsx formats.

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Message 8 of 10
Accepted by topic author Cseaman

If you want to write data into each cell separately, you need to define delimiter (comma).

Check this snippet. You will get an idea. BTW write to spread sheet vi also doing same (Internally).


Below snippet writes new data at end (i.e. Row by row). If you want to write data column wise, you need to read all your data from old file & append new data to that & write it again. But it is not a good idea. Simply reading old data (without doing anything) is not a good way.

If you really want to do that, use Excel (Report generation toolkit) & define your cell value.


write csv.png

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Message 9 of 10

Thanks I got it doing what I want now. 

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Message 10 of 10