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Installation error of Preinstall

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I get this error, when I want to start Labview Preinstaller.  I ve also downloaded the offline installation data but the error still appears.


I think the main problem is that one day before I interrupted the Installation of Labview.


Thank you in advance



0 Kudos
Message 1 of 7

Can you provide a little more information?

  • What is "LabVIEW Preinstaller"?  If it is a file that you downloaded from NI, what is the name of the file?  If it is a file that you got "somewhere else", where did you get it and what is the name of the file?
  • What is the name of the file you downloaded as the "offline installation data"?
  • What Operating System are you using, and is it a 64-bit OS?
  • When you "interrupted the Installation of LabVIEW", what were you doing (what files were you running), how did you "interrupt" things, and what happened after you interrupted?
  • Please open Control Panel (go to the Start Button, type "Control Panel" in the search bar).  Open Programs and Features.  Look for entries for "National Instruments Software" or "NI <anything>".  Let us know if either of these is present.
  • Did you make any direct changes in the Windows Registry to try to "fix" this problem?

When we know the answers to these questions, we can better advise you.


Bob Schor

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 7
  • Filename: ni-labview-2019-x86_19.1.0.49152-0+f0_offline (dowloaded from official website:; 
  • Preinstall= NI Package Manager Preinstall (filename: Install.exe)
  • Windows 10 64 Bit (On another computer with 64 bit I dont have this problem)
  • When I interrupted the package Installer was running. I thought something went wrong because the Installation lasted very long (my mistake). Dont know which package was installing
  • I deinstalled all NI programms because thought the problem will dissapear then
  • No, I dont, except the deinstallation and deleting installed NI files. The problem with the error occured before the deinstallation of installated files, which were installed since then
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 7

This is the error log. Saved in Appdata:


===== 2020-Apr-17 11:48:00.014178 =====
Exception in PreInstall::ReportError. Error code: -126304
Preinstall threw an exception
-126304: Beim Starten der folgenden erforderlichen Datei trat ein Fehler auf: 'GUIExecutableFullPath'. Das Installationsprogramm ist m�glicherweise fehlerhaft. Versuchen Sie, das Programm erneut herunterzuladen oder einen neuen Datentr�ger anzufordern.
File: source\preinstall\Main.cpp
Line number: 672

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 7
Accepted by bujarp

NI Package Manager is, unfortunately, not designed for "easy installation" and "easy removal".  

  • How did you uninstall? 
    • One way is to go into Control Panel/Add, Remove Programs and choose "National Instruments Software".  This should start NI Package Manager, which will allow you to remove everything except NI Package Manager.  Once everything else is gone, you use NI Package Manager to remove itself, which warns you this step could be dangerous.  [And it can be!].
    • The other way is to run NI Package Manager directly and choose all NI Software (be sure to uncheck "Programs only").  You'll need to run it again when NIPM is the only thing available to uninstall.
    • In either case, you should go back to Control Panel/Add, Remove Programs and uninstall National Instruments Software, which is often still populated (with, say, 200 items!).

Deleting National Instruments Files/Folders from your C: drive is not recommended (by me).  It can be done safely, but if something goes wrong, you are looking at reformatting the C: drive and reinstalling Windows and everything else (I did this to myself twice a few years ago).


I'm sorry that I can't read the Error Message (my knowledge of German is extremely limited).  


Assuming you have safely removed the original Installation, and haven't damaged the Windows structure that LabVIEW requires, here is what I suggest:

  • Download and run the "Pre-Installer",  This should download, install, and run NIPM Version 2020 (or possibly Version 19.6).
  • When NIPM starts running, ask to install LabVIEW 2019 (or whatever earlier version you want), 32-bit.  Unless you have a need for handling extremely large arrays (and have the memory space on your PC to handle them), you don't need (and probably don't want) 64-bit LabVIEW!
  • The first time through, install only LabVIEW (and possible VI Package Manager).  Do not install any Drivers.  When the Add-ons appear, Deselect All and only add the (very) few that you are sure you want.
  • Pay attention as the Installation starts.  This step should take a few tens-of-minutes.  Activate and reboot (or reboot and Activate -- I forget the order).
  • Run NIPM again, adding the Toolkits and Modules you want.  Again, install no drivers, and only the minimum set of Add-ons.  NIPM will probably give you things you didn't ask for -- it's a "Feature".  Reboot.
  • On the third pass, add the Drivers.  If you are not using GPIB equipment, uncheck NI 488.2 (I don't know why NI insists on setting this by default).
  • If any step fails, take notes and reply here.

Bob Schor

Message 5 of 7

The problem was that I even couln't run the packageinstaller programm .

I used a tool from the internet to completely remove all already installed labview files in the registry. So I think the problem was in the registry.



Now it works. Labview is installing now

Thank you for you hints.

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 7

@bujarp wrote:

The problem was that I even couln't run the packageinstaller programm .

I used a tool from the internet to completely remove all already installed labview files in the registry. So I think the problem was in the registry.



Now it works. Labview is installing now

Thank you for you hints.

Wow, you are extremely lucky.  When NIPM first came out, it messed up my LabVIEW installation, so I tried doing a complete uninstall, along with using "a tool from the internet to completely remove all already installed LabVIEW files from the registry".  Nothing worked after that step until I:

  • backed up my Profile and other "documents"
  • backed up Bookmarks for browsers, settings for Office
  • made a list of the installed software, with license numbers
  • reformatted the C: drive (completely)
  • reinstalled Windows 10
  • reinstalled Office and formerly-installed software
  • reset browser bookmarks, other settings
  • begin reinstalling LabVIEW, carefully

Should you have a problem installing a second time, I strongly advise you to skip the registry cleaning the next time.


Bob Schor

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 7