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Irritating alt+tab with Labview on windows

Is there any way to prevent Labview from changing the order of the applications when I use alt+tab?
For example, if I want to copy certain information from one application to Labview, I most of the time use alt+tab to switch between the 2 applications quickly. But every time the order of the "alt+tab" is changed by Labview (in fact it puts all the labview windows one after the other), which means that I have to press X times "alt+tab" to come back to my first application. Why does it have to overwrite the default windows behaviour?
Thanks in advance
Message 1 of 3

Maybe "alt+shit+tab" would help, it goes goes backwards...
Also this link might be of interest for you... load the "alt-tab replacement" it's a nice powertoy 😉

Hope this helps

We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.


Antoine Chalons

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Message 2 of 3
I'd recommend reading this thread and throwing your own opinions in...we're actively seeking feedback on how to handle ALT-TAB...
Message 3 of 3