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Is Tab Control Redudant in my case?

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Hello everyone,


I am using Tab Control for the first time in labview. 


Basically I just want to put this control in front panel to make things look better and in order, but it seems more than a decoration but a control in block diagram,  I am not sure whether there is someway to remove that from block diagram but remain in front panel.  



 Any idea is well  appreciated,



Thanks a lot,


-Kunsheng Chen



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Message 1 of 5
Accepted by Kunsheng Chen
I use tab controls to organize my front panel, and don't do anything with it on the block diagram.  It's not big deal (at least to me) to just throw it on the side of the block diagram out of the way.
Tim Elsey
Certified LabVIEW Architect
Message 2 of 5
The tab is a control.  The terminal on the block diagram can be used to indicate what tab in the tab control is active, or programaticcaly change the tab displayed on the front panel.  If the tabs themselves are not important and you're just using it for some organization, then you will not use the terminal on the blaock diagram.  And there's nothing wrong with that.
Message 3 of 5

I agree with the previous two posts.  (You guys are geniuses 🙂 )


I also use tabs all the time to keep the screen from overcrowding.  And then I put the terminal out of the way because I don't use it for anything.



-Matt Bradley

************ kudos always appreciated, but only when deserved **************************

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Message 4 of 5

If you don't need the tab control terminal on the block diagram to do anything programmatically, just leave it on the block diagram and don't wire anything to it.


There are also other decorations you can use on the front panel Decorations palette.



EDIT:  I got distracted from when I started my post to when I actually had a chance to submit.  Luckily others are all saying the same thing.Smiley Happy
Message Edited by Ravens Fan on 04-01-2009 06:03 PM
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Message 5 of 5