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Is box counting technique a part of the NI vision module?



I would like to ask about the NI Vision module! I would like to investigate different particles from one image. I would like to find the shape of the objects. Therefore I am using the module filter particles and shape detection. My question is related with the box counting technique and fractals. Is it necessary to create a program with box counting and fractals or these techniques are used in shape detection and filter particles modules? I would like to read the theory, used for creation of the shape detection and filter particles modules? Where I can find this information? Thank you!

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If your question is related to internal implementation details of the algorithms in NI Vision, then you will not find much details, but as starting point I would like to recommend to download complete NI Vision Concepts Help.

If under "shape detection" you means "Geometric Matching", then Chapter 13 for you:

Screenshot 2024-03-18 18.39.55.png

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