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Konvertierung von LV 3.1.1 auf LV 2011


ich möchte einige alte LabView 3.1.1 Programme auf
die LabView Version 6.1 konvertieren,
um sie abschließend in LabView 2011 zu öffnen.

Im den NI-Foren habe ich erfahren das ich dafür ein "Conversion Kit" benötige, welches ich von einem NI-Mitarbeiter beziehen muss:
"To load a VI from LabVIEW 3.x or earlier, you must use the LabVIEW VI Conversion Kit. This is available free of charge from National Instruments. The part number of this kit for Windows and Macintosh is 776874-03."


Hat das schon mal jemand von Euch gemacht? Mir hat der Support von NI bisher nicht geantwortet 🙂

Im Voraus Danke für die Info!

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Message 1 of 5
Have you tried the conversion board that is linked at the top of the page?
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Message 2 of 5

Bitte entschuldigen Sie meine schlechte Deutsch.  Ich bin Amerikaner.


Das "Conversion Kit" ist nicht mehr online verfuegbar.  Sie koennen lesen fuer mehr Informationen.


Aber Sie koennen hier gehen:  Wenn Sie das VI online zu stellen koennen, dann kann jemand mit einer aelteren Version von LabVIEW es für Sie konvertieren.



Wenn Sie Englisch sprechen koennen:


Sorry I'm so bad at German, but I had to try.  I studied it at the university level, but it has been quite a while 😛 I had to look up some words that I did not know (and may have used incorrectly).  My grammar may also be a little off. 


The conversion kit is no longer available online, however you can still probably get a copy by contacting your local NI Sales Representative.  See this link for more info:


However you can always post in the Version Conversion subforum (  People with older versions of LabVIEW will upconvert it to an appropriate version.  Just be sure to follow the rules of that forum to make sure you don't have upset any by-the-book users.

If someone helped you out, please select their post as the solution and/or give them Kudos!
Message 3 of 5


and thanks for your tipps, especially for the conversion board.


I think i must contact my local NI-Support by telefone, because i want 'upscale' LabView 3.1.1 programms.

(The conversion-Matrix means that i have to use the conversion-kit, that ist no longer avilable online :-.(



Your german is better then my english!

best regards





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Message 4 of 5

If the VI is something that can be publicly seen, it is still worth uploading it to the Version Conversion subforum.  Some people even have the Conversion Kit and can download it and convert it for you. 


If this is something that is proprietary to your company or secretive (personal code for eventual selling/distribution), then I would definitely contact your local NI Sales Rep.

If someone helped you out, please select their post as the solution and/or give them Kudos!
Message 5 of 5