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LV2010 web panel executable view

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I'm having troubles viewing Lab View 2010 web panel executable. The executable comes up on the target computer. But when I input the URL weblink on another computer web address I get an error page. I have no problems with LV 8.2, change the config. root with the new directory and the panel would display remotely. I just want to view the panel. I did notice that 8.2 has 2 characters for the HTTP (80), LV2010 has 4 (8000).


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Message 1 of 7

Hi 1_Buck,


Are you using the same URL format for 2010 as you were previously?  If you use a port other than 80, such as 8000, you must specify the port on URLs that refer to the server, such as:



Is this the way that you are currently setting this up?

Austin S.

National Instruments
Academic Field Engineer
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Message 2 of 7


I seems that the default port for LV2010 is 8000( in the Web Server configure area)  and the default port for LV8,2 is 80.


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Message 3 of 7
Accepted by topic author 1_Buck

When you say "web panel executable", are you trying to access the front panel of a stand-alone executable or access a VI in a project with a Web Service?


NI Application Web Servers for 2010 were actually configured to listen on port 8080 by default.  I tried this on my end from a colleagues computer using a VI that I had in a project on my machine and was able to make this work successfully using:




I've attached screenshots of my setup here for the VI on my computer that was accessed from another machine.


Also, what internet browser are you using (Firefox, IE, etc.)?  

Austin S.

National Instruments
Academic Field Engineer
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Message 4 of 7

Hi Austin,

Access a stand-alon executable...

Microsoft Internet Explorer...I'll give the snapshots a try.

Thank you

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Message 5 of 7

Hi again Austin,

I'm able to make a web publishing panel on my computer. Build an executable. Open the executable on my computer. Go over to another computer and use the .www address and view the panel. However, when I open up the same executable in the other computer and try to view the panel via the web address the panel doesn't show up. Even when I change the localhost name to the other computer name. 

I did notice when using the web publish tool the URL address has my computer name in it. Is that embedded in .www?if so, how can I change it to the targeted computer name?

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Message 6 of 7

Hi Austin,

I can view a web panel from another computer. Also it seems that the port assigned starts at 8000 not 8080.

At any rate. the web links are working.

Thanks for your input.

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Message 7 of 7