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LabVIEW 2014 SP1, Real-Time, and PXI Hardware

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I'm doing my third LabVIEW Wipe/Reinstall in as many days, completely frustrated (and after several hour-long calls with NI Support).  Here's the situation:


I wrote a fairly large (1000 VI) Data Acquisition/Control Project that our Graduate Students used to do behavioral experiments on sound localization.  It was originally developed in LabVIEW 2012, with the Real-Time module, running on a PC/PXI system.  It worked very well, and was successfully ported to LabVIEW 2014 (with comparable upgrades to the PXI's software.


About 18 months ago, the students started writing their theses, and at some point stopped data collection.  Also at some point, I upgraded the software on this system to LabVIEW 2014 SP1, but I am not certain I ever tested my software with this new system.


This week, I fired up the system in order to use MAX to open some test panels on the PXI's Multi-Function Board and DIO card to manually control one of the stimuli.  I discovered that MAX could not communicate with the boards on the PXI -- it assigned them all as VISA devices, indicating each board with an icon having a red X signifying that it could not communicate with the IP I'd assigned to the PXI.  Yet (a) MAX could "discover" this PXI, (b) MAX could "see" its IP, and (c) Windows could not only Ping the IP, but could FTP to the PXI's disk and I could move files back and forth.


I've done two complete "Wipe/Reinstall" sequences using LabVIEW 2014 SP1, all giving the same result.  I know this worked in the past, specifically when I installed LabVIEW 2014 (without the SP1), something I'm currently repeating with my third installation.  I've raised with NI the (slim?) possibility that there is a "hidden flaw" in the SP1 Distribution, one that is visible to LabVIEW RT Users using PXI hardware, and unnoticed because (a) few LabVIEW sites install SP1 releases, (b) a minority use the RT Modules, and (c) the PXI is "old hardware".


If anyone else has such a system or has seen a similar problem, please reply.  I will do a followup post if I manage to "repair" my system by this latest reinstall "of a previously-working solution".


Bob Schor

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Accepted by topic author Bob_Schor

Well, the answer is that, in my system, LabVIEW 2014 SP1 with LabVIEW Real-Time connected to a PXI system does not appear to connect to the boards plugged into the Chassis.  Reverting to LabVIEW 2014 (fall release), installing it in exactly the same fashion as the three failed LabVIEW 2014 SP1 attempts, works immediately.  NI engineers are going to try to duplicate/verify/possibly patch? this issue.


Bob Schor

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