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LabView 2017 Basic information

Hello community,

 I have a a very minor dilemma. I am using labView 2017 and have found that when I try to run pre-written code from an older version (2009), a small window displaying "receive was not found" and an "expected path" from the C drive is written as well.  I have updated the general features as recommended by NI, but I think that I need to download additional Virtual Instrumentation software so that sent messages can be received. Can anyone help me out?




General information and downloads:


Operating system: Windows 7, (32-bit).

LabView Full Development System 2017.

LabView 2017 (32-bit) f2 ptach.


NI-DAQmx 16.01

Labview Run-Time Engine 2017 (32-bit) f2 patch.


NI core Driver update - 2017 Q2 Patch.




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Message 1 of 5

Can you tell us what the "Expected path" is?  If it's a missing library, then the path is pretty important.  "Receive message" is a pretty generic name by itself.


Also, you say it happens when you try to run the program.  Does this mean it happens when you load the program (i.e. opening the main VI which loads subVIs, etc) or does it happen when you run the program (i.e. pressing the white "Run" arrow)?  

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Message 2 of 5

Hi Kyle,

 Yes. It happens when I load the program. There expected paths displays: <Vilib>:\Instr\kei486_7.llb\Keithley 486/7 Zero Check and correct.





I am not sure whether a library is missing or not. I have talked with an applications engineer who recommended performing a mass compilation. Do you think this will solve the problem?


Thanks for your speedy replies.

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Message 3 of 5

Someone installed the Kiethley driver for the 486 in the wrong location.   


Go ahead and install that same driver in LabVIEW 2017 INSTR.LIB.  that will allow the lib members to be found 


There is likely to be an upgraded version of the driver.  You may want to update code.

"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
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Message 4 of 5

Thank you for your reply. I did as you suggested and everything with regard to that seems to be working properly now.

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Message 5 of 5