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Labview libtiff implementation



I am not sure, but I think it won't: anyway, you are very welcome to give it a try and check! Smiley Happy

Let me know.



0 Kudos
Message 91 of 115

I found libtiff3.dll! Now it wants jpeg62.dll and can't find it on my computer. The VIs won't work.

0 Kudos
Message 92 of 115

Can someone explain to me what each .vi finction does in the libtiff3 library? I'm trying to create a multipage TIFF from discrete images but I have no idea where to start or how to do it. Could someone send me an example of how to do it with libtiff3?



0 Kudos
Message 93 of 115



could load please the 64bit dll please. I don't have Matlab and I will to try Labview 64 bit


Thank you



0 Kudos
Message 94 of 115

Thanks a lot, 

I wrote this Laser Scanning Microscope in Labview and my time resolved images were just bunch of text images and didn't really wanted to convert any compressed image format as I need exact values for ROI analysis. I used to convert all those text images, with the imagej macro I wrote, to tiff stack but it gets exhausting when there are too many samples. With this library my output is just directly a tiff file which is great! Thanks again.

@Nico_MPI wrote:



as promised, here is the latest version of libtiff for labview!


Currently, the library supports writing/reading single or multipaged TIFF files in U8, U16, SGL, or RGB format. The files can be either scanline-oriented (i. e. a single line is written or read at a time) or striped (accessing a stripe made of multiple lines at a time). For RGB images, both separate color planes (i. e. first the plane containing the red values, then the gree and finally the blue) or contig color planes are allowed (i. e. for every pixel the red, green and blue one after the other).


What's new:

- RGB support

- I eliminated small error that incorrectly displayed SGL values in the previous version.

- Metadata: the metadata entry is limited to few fields (ImageDescription, Software, Date, Time, and Artist).

- A VI named libtiff3_tif2Images converts TIFF files into an array of images.


Still to do:

-Custom tags

-Tile-oriented TIFFs

-(your comment here!)






0 Kudos
Message 95 of 115

I am not sure how relavent this is still but I found myself looking for a Labview application to read and write tags in an existing tiff image. While the tiff lib does a great job of reading the tags, it lacks any support to write to the tiff tags so I was forced to look in another direction. There is a standalone application that allows you to do so much more than just read and write to tags in a tiff image. You can find the tool HERE.


Its a command line executable so you can create a simple vi to call commands via the system exec vi from LabVIEW. Hopes this saves someone the weeks worth of time that it took me to figure this one out Smiley LOL

0 Kudos
Message 96 of 115

Saving multipage 16-Bit tifs is exactly what I need and your work seems just to provide this. 

But I'm having problems with the file libtiff3.dll, which I didn't have originally but downloaded from the web. 

The file somehow doen't seem to be accepted by your VIs, although I've set the path correctly.  

Are there different versions of libtif.dll?

0 Kudos
Message 97 of 115

Please have a look at my new VIs which don't require libtiff!





Message 98 of 115

awsome-quick response, and it works great! Thank you very much!

0 Kudos
Message 99 of 115

Hi Nico,


I tried reading the ".tiff" file using the "libtiff dll", but it didn't work for me. In "Call Library Function" node it throws an error (Description: "The library specified for this node cannot be found or cannot be loaded. Right-click the Call Library Function Node and select Configure, then choose the correct library name or path.") even though I gave the correct dll. 

FYI: I'm using Windows 10 64 bit PC.


I referred to the above-mentioned method. Can you add the "Reading of .tiff file" using this method?




0 Kudos
Message 100 of 115