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Making a cluster visible/invisible effects on intensity charts

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I have several intensity charts and clusters. When I make one of the clusters visible/invisible, it effects on the intensity chart display! It is not even reproducible and each time the chart display changes! I don't know the reason as they are independent elements. Do you have any idea what is happening and how I can fix the problem? Thanks in advance. 

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Message 1 of 6

For us to help, you need to attach at least your VI containing these "intensity charts and clusters" controls and the code that acts on these controls and potentially modifies their properties.

If your code calls subVIs, don't forget to attach them too.


Additional questions:

What are those "clusters" and how do they relate to your charts in your application ?

What are the "effects" that you see on your charts ?

Do the effects also appear when you manually make something visible/invisible (through a right-click menu) ?

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Message 2 of 6

You definitely need to answer all these questions above AND attach your code as already requested.



  • What is the datatype of the intensity chart, what data structure do you write to it and how, and what is the update mode?
  • What is your loop rate?
  • Ho much data is in your intensity charts (column size? history length? etc.)
  • Are you overtaxing the UI thread?
  • Do you have overlapping elements on the front panel?
  • I assume that these charts are not part of the clusters, right?
  • How do you change the visibility? (manually? property nodes when needed? Hammering the same property nodes with each iteration?)
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Message 3 of 6

First of all, sorry for my raw realization of the problem and posting that not completely.

I realized that the problem is something else that I'm going to describe in the following. For that, I have attached an example including 2 VIs.

The First_VI has a subpanel. In the subpanel, I run the Second_VI including an intensity chart (with an update mode of sweep chart).

When I run the First_VI, the chart starts updating in the subpanel. If I click wherever in the subpanel, the chart display jitter. For each clicks, the colors in the chart moves a bit and jitters. This slight color change and jittering is not reproducible and behave differently by continues clicking. 
How can I avoid this issue (I'm using LabVIEW 2018)?
Thanks for your solution in advance.

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Message 4 of 6
Accepted by topic author Khalil.Eslami

You are mapping data to fractional pixel boundaries. Looks like a mapping problem that you can eliminate if you change the draw area of the chart to be integer multiples of the size/history length.


In the attached, the chart area is 600H (6x100) and 384W (3x128=history length) and the xscale is set to 0..127. This eliminates the artifacts in my testing.


It simply look like there is a slight remapping of fractional data to integer pixels when going through the subpanel insertion. More a cosmetic issue. Could probably be fixed.



Message 5 of 6

Thanks Altenbach. Problem solved.😊

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Message 6 of 6