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Malleabe VI 'Save for Previous' to 17 SP1

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So, I have "my.vim" written in 2019, which contains a type specialization structure and uses the class substitution feature of VIMs, BUT, I now need to use it in 2017 SP1. That's fine, it's when the feature was introduced, so I go to save for previous and find.... 17.0 (which I should have expected).


I was cautiously optimistic that saving for 17.0 would retain the TSS anyway, but no joy; it turns in to a diagram disable structure. Other than recreating in 17 SP1 (possible but not ideal), is there any way of pulling this back in to the needed version?

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Message 1 of 3
Accepted by topic author ChrisStrykesAgain

Hi Chris,


which contains a type specialization structure and uses the class substitution feature of VIMs … in 2017 SP1. That's fine, it's when the feature was introduced

I don't see any "type specialization structure" in my LV2017 installation.

I guess that features came with LV2018 (as written in the help)…

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
Message 2 of 3

Huh, well that's interesting. I can definitively say that Class Substitution via Malleables was introduced in 2017 SP1 per the readme, and as I remember, under the hood that feature relies heavily on the TSS working correctly. There was also a publicly documented fix for the TSS in the 2017 SP1 f3 patch.


That said, it appears you are correct that TSS wasn't publicly announced and didn't make it on the palette until 2018, and the substitution feature doesn't really require any special save considerations, so my question is technically invalid. Thanks for setting me straight!


FWIW, I was using the TSS in 2017 SP1. I guess I was being dangerous adventurous. Awkwardly, my entire goal here is to use it in a unit test.


bleeding edge.png


Hidden Feature.PNG


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