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NI Package Manager dependencies PPL



I have created package common library A.lvlib.


It might be required by other top level applications. 

To make it work I would have to include backage A in dependencies. I must also configure package A to install itself in location where other applcations expect it to be?


But this library A is arleady referenced in my project and while I make executable it will be put into application package as well.

So I have to clean my application directory of libraries that I think will be installed by dependent packages?



Or there is something fundamental I do not get there?

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Message 1 of 3

Another question,


Can I somehow reference installed package from my LV project?

Lets assume I have distrubuted some library that will be used by another piece of NI software.

Now I have to reference content of this package instead of package itself and when I try to build new package on top of it I have to create dependencies on my own.




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Message 2 of 3

Hello Pawhan,



             If you check online, there a plenty of forum discussions on this topic and multiple approaches.  I can tell how I would do it:


1. If you have SubVIs - as you know they will be added automatically to your executable. If those are part of a library, the library itself will be added to the executable as well. However, the SubVIs or the library will be compiled together with the executable - as such, they will not be available for other applications.

2. If you have dynamically called VIs, or SubVIs that you might want to use with other applications, the best way would be to add everything into a project, pack it into a library - this way you will be able to set it as "Always included" in the build specifications of your executable. You can later on chose where do you want to install these files.

3. If you want to distribute the packages independently of the executable, there are other options as well, including VI package manager (VIPM) to make a package from your project.


4. If you want to go with the NI Package Manager, there is a complete guide created for this purpose. - Distribute Packages Using NI Package Manager



        Some links that might help you:


1. - Dynamically Called SubVI Does Not Load When Built into Executable

2. - Move a LabVIEW Project to Another Computer

3. - Include third party dependencies (JKI State Machine) with project for other computers?


Hope this helps.

Sincerely yours,


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