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Need help in PID

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Hello ,


I am Trying to implement PID loop but facing some issues.

Input :- Feedback from motor in terms of PWM fixed duty cycle and varying frequency .

Output :-  is fixed frequency and varying duty cycle .


Observation is irrespective of set point motor is running in the range defined by PID output range .

Please help to resolve this thing .


Attachment :- Output by running Vi & Vi also attahced .




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Message 1 of 9
Accepted by topic author Nitin_110051

Hi Nitin,


so you limit the PID output range to a very small range - and then you wonder, why the PID control doesn't go outside of that small working range???


Output :-  is fixed frequency and varying duty cycle .

Btw. Why do you set the output to [1700, 1900] when you want to have a duty cycle as output value? What kind of duty cycle uses values like "1800"?

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 2 of 9

Good morning Gerd,


Even if i change the output range to 0 to 6000 , then i am getting the graph in which pulse is coming 0 to 6000 .


Practically it should maintain speed to setpoint, but i observe its behaving with ouptut range only .


Duty cycle :- this 1800 or whatever values in terms of 100 are the Rpm for the motor and i am coverting into duty cycle by dividing with the factor 6000.



Thanks & regards




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Message 3 of 9

Hi Nitin,


can you attach your VI in LV2011?

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 4 of 9

Hi Gerd,


Please refer the attachment in 2011 version .


Thanks & regards



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Message 5 of 9

Hi Nitin,


thanks for conversion.


On your VI:

- Why are you using so many local variables, causing race conditions?

- Why are there controls and indicators with exactly the same name ("frequency")?

- Why is "Output PID" set as control, when it just displays a value like an indicator?

- Why are you reading "N samples" from your frequency input, but using just one sample for the PID?

- Why are you manipulating the measurement value with an Abs() function?

- Why are you providing a dt=0.0001 to the PID function, when you use a WaitForMultiple set to multiples of 180ms?


There is so much wrong with your VI! Please correct all other problems before you even attempt to integrate a PID control…


From an UX point of view: Why do you use gauges as input controls?

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 6 of 9

HI Gerd

Thanks for information .

I tried with your observations , its working now . Some problems are still there like if i change the parameters(Kp=1.0,Ki=0.001,Kd=0.000 to Kp=2,Ki=0.001,Kd=0.001) its osciallting to much in the output range . and also if i hold the motor with hands softly  it is gaining speed and not coming back while holding the motor, once i realeased motor it is coming back .





On your VI:

- Why are you using so many local variables, causing race conditions? I  didn't know that variables can create race condition , can you suggest me some document regarding this ?

- Why are there controls and indicators with exactly the same name ("frequency")? :- Changed Now

- Why is "Output PID" set as control, when it just displays a value like an indicator? :-  Changed Now

- Why are you reading "N samples" from your frequency input, but using just one sample for the PID?  if i am using single samples  it is not working at all .

- Why are you manipulating the measurement value with an Abs() function? Changed Now

- Why are you providing a dt=0.0001 to the PID function, when you use a WaitForMultiple set to multiples of 180ms? Removed Now


There is so much wrong with your VI! Please correct all other problems before you even attempt to integrate a PID control…  Corrected


From an UX point of view: Why do you use gauges as input controls?I used gauges just for representation .



Attachment :- New VI


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Message 7 of 9

Hi Nitin,


Why are you using so many local variables, causing race conditions? I  didn't know that variables can create race condition , can you suggest me some document regarding this ?

The LabVIEW help explains the term "race condition"… (Googling for "labview help race condition" gives a lot of documentation!)


Why are there controls and indicators with exactly the same name ("frequency")? :- Changed Now

Now there are controls without a label: this is no good idea either…


Why are you providing a dt=0.0001 to the PID function, when you use a WaitForMultiple set to multiples of 180ms? Removed Now

 Now there is no timing at all in the loop - and you still provide the PID a wrong timing of 1e-4…


From an UX point of view: Why do you use gauges as input controls?I used gauges just for representation .

You still use gauges for inputs…


Some problems are still there like if i change the parameters(Kp=1.0,Ki=0.001,Kd=0.000 to Kp=2,Ki=0.001,Kd=0.001) its osciallting to much in the output range

Do you know how to get estimates for PID parameters? Have you heard about Ziegler-Nichols? Wikipedia explains this with a lot of details!

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 8 of 9

Thanks Gerd

Now its working , But stil i am not able to set derivative .


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Message 9 of 9