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Number format help

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I have an issue with a program I am writing, and I believe the problem is a number formatting issue.

There is a pretty detailed picture attached with some explination, but the main problem is in the frame labled "idle."

The program controls a gpib function generator, and in the idle state, I attempted to program in 2 buttons that with raise or lower the amplitude by an increment, but these buttons do not work.

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Message 1 of 3

My confusion looking at your code is "why you are building the boolean values then converting to a number and then giving it to the case structure?" its pretty straight forward that you can wire the booleans directly to the case structures.


Did you try checking the value of the case structure selector at any time when your code is in idle and when you are pressing the Raise/lower buttons?. If it is possible try posting your that would be very helpful for anyone to debug.


The best solution is the one you find it by yourself
Message 2 of 3
Accepted by LarsUlrich

What do you mean by "the buttons do not work"?


Can I suggest you do a little diagram cleanup and not have wires run behind other structures such as a case structure?


My guess is that since you have in inner while loop where the incrementing appears to be happening, you put a shift register on that while loop also like you do on the outer while loop.  Otherwise when that while loop iterates, it keeps taking the same value that is at the input tunnel.

Message 3 of 3