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Plot.Plot Color Bug?

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I am puzzled about this. Check out the two almost identical VIs attached. Run the first one and try to change the Plot Color. The color property changes based on the color value. Do the same with the second VI ( Try to change the color of the plot - it does not change!


Am I doing something wrong or is this a LV bug?


LV2009, SP1, Windows XP.

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Message 1 of 7

Something seems corrupt. Resize the plot legend to show two plots, the resize it again to show one plot. Now it works.


(I would also recommend to set the active plot to zero first, to make sure the color is read from the correct plot. If you read the active plot in the bad VI, you'll notice that the active plot is 1 instead of zero)

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Message 2 of 7

I do not get it. It's only one plot on each graph. I've resized the plot legend anyway but it does not seem to work.


To clariify, I want to see the value of the Plot.Plot Color indicator changed when I change the color of the graph on the second VI.

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Message 3 of 7
Accepted by topic author wprice

As I said, your property node is looking at the second plot for some reason. Set the active plot to zero and things will fall into place.



Message 4 of 7

What if I have several plots on the screen? How do I get their plot color?



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Message 5 of 7

you would use a FOR loop, e.g. as follows:



Message 6 of 7

Excellent - thanks a lot for your help!

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Message 7 of 7