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Plotting of graph with more than 4000 data points in Excel

Hi All,


I am fairly new to labview world. I am trying to plot out line graphs of the results from my program into Excel worksheet. I have huge set of data points(10000) stored in each of 10 different worksheets in MS Excel workbook. I am trying to compile results into last sheet as graphical representation of all the various dataset into 10 different graphs.


My problem is that I am getting error because MS Graph does not allow me to plot more than 4000 rows or datapoints. Is there better and cleaner way of programming this? Or if some one can provide an example of how to handle such case. I'll appreciate any help.


My goal is to able to plot one set of data 1st then I will be able to run through various worksheets to compile into standalone results.


 ERROR MESSAGE: "Report Generation Toolkit: Graphs you create or edit in Microsoft Graph cannot contain more than 4,000 rows or columns, including row and column headers. "

Also for example if we run Line Graph example and change the # of data points from 100 to 4000, we get same message.

Error -41114 occurred at -> NI_Excel.lvclass:Excel Insert -> Line Graph (Excel).vi



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Message 1 of 8

The first question I would have is why aren't you plotting out the graphs in LabVIEW? The number of points is not at all huge for LabVIEW.


I also did a search for 'Excel graph' and found this recent post. I'm not sure if newer versions of Excel allow for more rows but decimation is probably the best option if you insist on using Excel.

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Message 2 of 8

Hi Dennis,


I am collecting waveform data from oscilloscope using labview in both data & graph format. So my program collects data for a particular operating condition & then saves the data on a worksheet. After it loads new operating condition & goes over same cycle. I have to save all the data points in excel for different use cases, which I am saving in different worksheet for each specific operating condition.


Since I already have data saved in excel at the end of test, I am trying plot each use case in the same report for study & presentaion after tests are finished. I have not been able to do so. I read the post which you have mentioned, seems like newer excel or labview version have same issue. I am using LV 9.0


I will try using decimation but if you have any better way of handling this problem, I'll appreciate if you can share that.


Thanks for your help.


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Message 3 of 8
Are you trying to create 3D graphs? The limitation of 4000 applies to 3D charts. For 2D charts it's 32,000.
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 8

I am trying to create 2-D graph.


Here is an example:

If you can look up for -> NI_Excel.lvclass:Excel Insert -> Line Graph (Excel).vi and change the data points from 100 to 4000, you will probably be getting same error. Smiley Sad

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 8
I believe the 4,000 points is a limitation of the MSGraph Chart OLE object (which is used by the Report Generation toolkit).  If you create an MSExcel Chart instead via ActiveX then it is limited to 32,000 data points.
Message 6 of 8
No.. Its not a problem even i am writing the code to read 60000 data points in that
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 8

This is limitation of Microsoft Graph Component as discuss in

Possible work around is to plot this to graph in LabVIEW.

Then, invoke Export Image method, and insert exported image with Word Insert

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Message 8 of 8