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Programmatically hiding controls

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I have two Abort buttons that I wish to use.  These are for different tests which I have in a case statement.  These Abort buttons will stop the loop condition and will stop the test.  I would like to overlay these Abort buttons on a common Tab, so if the switch is thrown for a particular test then it can hide that Abort button.  Can this be done.  It can be done in Labwindows, but I cannot see it on LabVIEW.




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Accepted by Marty_H

You can set the control property 'Visible'.



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Nederlandse LabVIEW user groep
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Message 2 of 3

As TCPlomp points out, there is a property for that. On the diagram side of the control, right click and select "Create:Property Node:Disabled". Then right click on the resulting property node and change to "Write". Now, by passing the appropriate value into it, you can enable, disable, disable and gray out the control. The later is good, it tells the operator that the function is available under certain circumstances. There are also properties that make the control visible or not, etc.

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