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Question about LabVIEW toolkit versions



In our systems we have LabVIEW 2012 sp1+ older versions of toolkits such as NI DAQmx (9.7) or NI Flex RIO (13.0 )


I have bought a new system that has all the up to dated toolkit vesrions.For example NI DAQmx (9.9) or NI Flex RIO (13.2). I will install LabVIEW 2012 on this system but I would like to know if I open my VIs in teh system with up to dated drivers then can I open them again in my old systems ( they both use 2012 but driver versions are different) ?


Could you please let me know if I need to re install the old drivers on my new system?






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Message 1 of 5
A driver is not the same thing as a toolkit and you will will be able to open a 2012 application on any other system with 2012.
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Message 2 of 5

Thanks for your quick response


The problem I have now is I can't install labVIEW 2012 because Runtime engine of 2013 has been insalled on this system. Do I njeed to uninstall 2013 to be able to install 2012?



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Message 3 of 5

tintin_99 wrote:

The problem I have now is I can't install labVIEW 2012 because Runtime engine of 2013 has been insalled on this system. Do I njeed to uninstall 2013 to be able to install 2012?

They should install side-by-side without any issues.

There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
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Message 4 of 5

The general rule with LabVIEW is that when installing multiple versions, you must install them in order of age.  Some things (like Device Drivers) can be installed "out of order", and there may be other exceptions.  However, there have (over the past 4-5 years) been at least a dozen times that i've had to remove all of the NI software from a PC and "rebuild" because I needed an older version.  [I now try to run old versions in VMs, just to avoid these hassles].



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Message 5 of 5