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Reading data from not customized thermocouple Typ L

Hello together,

I’m a beginner in using LabView and NI Hardware. I have to measure a lot of temperature values with the following configuration:

Thermocouples Typ L

SCXI 1300 and SCXI 1303 Terminal Blocks

SCXI 1100 Modules

SCXI 1000 and SCXI 1001 Chassis

PCI-MIO-16-E4 DAQ-Board

The Typ L thermocouples are not supported by the DAQmx. My first try was to created my own scale in a voltage task but then the cold junction temperature is not considered. Does anybody know how to implement a thermocouple Typ L? My idea was to read the voltage data from the built-in CJC Sensor in the SCXI 1303/1300 Terminal Blocks and add it to the voltage which I measured when using a normal voltage task. With the total voltage I can calculate the temperature with a polynomial for Typ L. Is this the right way? And how can I get the CJ-voltage?

Thanks in advance for helping!


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Message 1 of 4

I don't see type L as a valid type.

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Message 2 of 4

Typ L is not used anymore. It's an old plant I'm working with. Typ L is similar to Typ J.


Here is the reference table:

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