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Rebooting System due to Exception 0xC000005

Hi, I am getting this error randomly on the PXI RT controller on multiple systems. I have Labview RT 8.2.x and 8.5.x which have the same issue. Can some one help in pinpointing what is the source of this error.

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Message 1 of 3
Hi ashmo1,
                     Please see this thread

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Message 2 of 3

the 0xC0000005 is the "classic" Access violation. This exception happen when your software try to read or write on a not allowed memory area. In pure C this typically happen when you use a pointer that hold an incorrect value (point to a reserved memory area).

I don't know exactly how the memory is managed in an RT system, but I think that you have more control (and more chances to create a bug) than in a regular LV-under-Windows.

I can only suggest to you to start checking how data are passed between various sw module/sub-vi (data type, array size, by ref/by val ecc...).


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