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Running Labview on a computer without write access to the installation directory?

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A customer of ours is wondering if we can run our Labview executable and the RunTime Engine on their computer without having any write access to the installation Directory?


It's easy enought to change so that our program writes it's logfiles to another Network Drive, but how about the Runtime engine and any Live updates that the NI programs try to download?


Thankful for any comments.

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Message 1 of 4

Are you referring to installation, or running after it's been installed? Installation requires administrative privilege. This applies to updates as well. After it's installed you can run it without admin privilege. However, the end-user will not be able to change settings/preferences since these are saved to the labview.ini file, which resides in the same folder as LabVIEW, and if the end user does not have write access, then they cannot save their end-user preferences.

Message 2 of 4


Yes, I am referring to after installation, it's installed and running right now.


Will it give an error when trying to update?


I don't think that they will need to change any settings or preferences, if so they can get a poweruser to do that who has admin priveledges.

(The program is used by operators in factories that assemples/produces Trucks)

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Message 3 of 4
Accepted by topic author TomasR

As far as I know the access rights requirements for updates are the same for the base installations.


However, given that your program is run on a factory floor, I'd recommend turning off updates. I don't think you want the assembly line going down because one computer failed an update. Smiley Wink

Message 4 of 4