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Sound and Vibration Assistant - Recalibration issue and Microphone Setting

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I am new to the Sound and Vibration Assistant software and have a few minor questions. First, if I am using a 200V mic power supply, which setting should the coupling mode be? Also, where is the "enable ICP"?


Second, after calibrating the input signal I have tried three times to recalibrate after the initial calibration and the program crashes... is this common?


Lastly, is there a way to listen to your previously recorded signal through headphones?

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Message 1 of 5

What DAQ card are you using? If you are using IEPE, you will need to use AC Coupling. You can find the option to enable/disable IEPE (or ICP) when editing the step setup. Its label is Iex Source. If you set it to None, you turn off excitation to the virtual source.


The second thing you mention, sounds like it could be a software bug. Can you elaborate on this issue? Step-by-step instructions would be helpful so I can see if I can reproduce the issue as well. 


In LabVIEW, there is a way to convert data to a .wav file for listening. However, this feature is not built explicitly into SignalExpress. If you have LabVIEW, you could try creating a LabVIEW plug-in where it SignalExpress will call LabVIEW code.

Creating a signal express plugin with LabVIEW:

A forum about a similar issue:


Hope that helps!

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Message 2 of 5

Using DAQmx (with USB 9234)


Just to clarify, using an external power supply for my mic would mean setting the Iex Source to None, correct?


Here are the steps for the recalibration issue:

-Add a step to acquire sound pressure level through an analog input

-Under Step Setup, choose Configuration tab

-Under that tab click on the Calibration tab

-Click the Calibration button and go through the calibration process then click finish

-After that the Calibration button will change to Properties, click that button

-Once the new window pops up, choose the Values tab and click the Recalibrate button

-If it works the same as mine does, after you click Recalibrate you will not be able to click anything else and will have to force a shutdown of the program



Thank you very much for your help, it is greatly appreciated!

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Message 3 of 5
Accepted by topic author SoundVib

So this is a reported bug of software. However, it should be fixed with the latest DAQmx driver (9.3). Let me know if that doesn't work!


Below are the explanations of each selection. I think for your situation, you will want to select External.

Ex Source specifies the source of excitation:

  • External—Any excitation source other than the built-in excitation source of the device.
  • Internal—Use the built-in excitation source of the device.
  • None—Supply no excitation to the virtual channel.  
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Message 4 of 5

the DAQmx driver (9.3) was what I was using... looks like the bug is in that version too. However, it is not too big of a problem since I can just delete the original calibration and go through the process again instead of clicking the recalibration button.


Thanks for all your help with this, I have realized this is truely the superior software for sound and vibration measurements!

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Message 5 of 5