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Strain Measurement using Strain Gauge


I will be mounting multiple foil-type strain gauges on a ruler (scale) at different positions along the ruler and will be measuring strain generated when the ruler is deformed from one side. Is there a way to measure strain using Arduino, HX711 amplifier, NI USB 6008/6009 so that I can connect the strain gauges to multiple inputs of NI USB and use its output to read the strains on computer individually for each gauge through Arduino.


If there is another way to achieve this, kindly let me know.


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Message 1 of 3

Hi prateek,


@prateeksinha wrote:

Is there a way to measure strain using Arduino, HX711 amplifier, NI USB 6008/6009 so that I can connect the strain gauges to multiple inputs of NI USB and use its output to read the strains on computer individually for each gauge through Arduino.

Surely there is a way…


Why do you want to connect the gauges to your USB600x and still want to read "each gauge through Arduino"???

Where does the amplifier come into play?

Why don't you use dedicated DAQ hardware for your gauges (aka more accurate readings)?

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 2 of 3



As the output from your amplifier is a serial communication protocol, the USB600x isn't a suitable device for interfacing.  The Arduino is a suitable device for interfacing.  You should be able to read strain values with just the amplifier and Arduino.  If you want something a little more user-friendly, I suggest the NI 9237 and a cDAQ chassis.



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