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Strings too long

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Well... now I did separate the NI IO TRACE line where i send the "long string" and as you can see (in the --- line) thats where the break goes

exactly at 190 characters... i don't know what this means or how can i fix it tho... 😞

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Message 11 of 30

Can you show as the part of the LabVIEW code where you write your string?


And I still don't understand how you determine that the writing stops after 190 characters...


Regards, Jens

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Message 12 of 30



Isntrument IO >>> VISA >>> VISA Advance >>> Bus Specific


you will find "VISA Set I/O Buffer Size".


Read about the mask since it will determine if the settings is applied to transmit or receive.




Have you checked your flow control settings?


Your widget may be getting overwhelmed and assert XOff to throttle the incoming stream of data.




Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
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Message 13 of 30

jg69 escribió:

Can you show as the part of the LabVIEW code where you write your string?


And I still don't understand how you determine that the writing stops after 190 characters...


Regards, Jens

I know because i can count where the machine stops and where that screenshot shows:


G1 X200 Z40 Y300

; G
G1 Y-20
G1 Z5
G1 Y20
G1 X50
G1 Y-20
G1 X-25
G1 Y10
G1 Z-5
G1 X25 Y-13
G1 Z5
; X
G1 X-50
G1 Y-20
G1 X25
G1 Y20
G1 Y-25 X25
G1 Z-5
G1 Y-3
G1 Z5

; A
G1 X-50
G1 Y-2 (Exactly 190 chars)

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Message 14 of 30

Is G.G1 Y-2 a valid command syntax?



"It’s the questions that drive us.”
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Message 15 of 30

the g. its not

g1 y-2 should be g1 y-20 but thats where is cutted

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Message 16 of 30

I take it you have some LabVIEW code that is doing this.  Make a copy of the VI(s) that contain the VISA routines -- call it  Now open this VI, throw away almost everything except the VISA routines, including the VISA Open, VISA Read, VISA Close, and any other VISA commands.  You can leave in anything wired to the VISA routines.


When you have a nice, compact VI that has only your VISA Stuff, attach that VI to your Reply.


You are almost certainly doing something wrong in your VISA Read or VISA Setup (or maybe your Arduino is at fault).  However, without seeing what you are doing, we're "making guesses" at best, you say "No, you guessed wrong", and everyone's time is being wasted.


Bob "Attach Your Code" Schor

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Message 17 of 30

ill do that, sorry for the troubles, i thought that maybe was a very known issue, ill do it in a few hours, im heading home now, thanks

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Message 18 of 30

@lord_nox wrote:


Well... now I did separate the NI IO TRACE line where i send the "long string" and as you can see (in the --- line) thats where the break goes

exactly at 190 characters... i don't know what this means or how can i fix it tho... 😞

Please note the label on that string indicator;


Buffer Contents (Abbreviated)


I believe it is tell you that it is not showing you the entire write buffer. Check your setting in NI IO Trace to make sure you are not chasing a red Herring.



Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
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Message 19 of 30

Actually that screenshot shows the Write buffer contains 473 characters (ending in (\codes) "Z-5\nG28\n" .  the "----" is there as a placeholder for the undisplayed portion.


What do you need corrected?


115200 is unattainable at clock speeds below 3MHz on most arduinos is there a DOR error?

"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
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Message 20 of 30