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Touch Keyboard Suggestions


I'm developing an application which will run on a Windows 10 IOT OS with a touch screen as interface.
Right now I'm calling TabTip.exe in an event structure on demand and closing it afterwards with an User32.dll call.
I have some issues with this solution.

  • I am not able to switch between Numpad and Keyboard programmatically. I have to decide which Default style will always be used.
  • I have no preview of the entered data. Which is needed if the Control gets overlapped by the Keyboard.
  • I have just a little control over the Position of the Keyboard. (Reopens like it was closed last time)

It seems like there are not much possibilities in controlling the TabTip.exe.
By searching the Forum I found some possible solutions:

  1. Replace all Controls with .net container
    -> My GUI is Customized and this would give me a lot of work.
  2. Write my own Keyboard/Numpad VI like this
  3. Use a third party Keyboad/Numpad VI like this

Does anyone has a suggestion on how to handle this Problem?
If there is no way to handle the Problems with TabTip.exe, I have to either write my own Keyboard/Numpad VI or use a third party one.
If it comes to use a third party VI, could you give me some suggestions?


Best Regards


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