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Translation from Lego Mindstorm to Ni LabView

Hello, newbie here. Recently I encounter a trouble where the design I'm referencing is using Lego Mindstorms programming tool, since the program is complex for me, I'm facing lot of problem trying to decipher it to Ni LabVIEW program. If it is possible, can I ask you all experts to teach me how to decipher it, I'm dying from my own uselessness.

Here is the YouTube link to the design I'm referencing, the program is provided there so please take a look:


0 Kudos
Message 1 of 12

Linking to Youtube and saying to get the program from there is not helpful.


Either post the code you're having trouble with or don't. If you post no code, don't expect much help.

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 12

1. Include the original program you want help with

2. Include what you have done in labview (down converted to an older version so that people can support)

No one is going to learn another language just to translate for you 

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 12

the file type of the program is not supported here, and if I post the picture of the program here, it will be vague, cuz some of the block need user to click it for description, that's why I post the source instead of program.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 12

The original program is in the link I posted, since the program file type is not supported here. What I have done in LabView is just a simple Boolean array converting program, it help nothing with the translation. And regarding the last sentence you wrote, let me rephrase my wording, I need someone know Lego Mindstorms programming to guide me in translating the program to Ni LabView.  

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Message 5 of 12

Hi Bondorudo,


@Bondorudo03 wrote:

the file type of the program is not supported here

You can ZIP any kind of file and the forum accepts ZIP files…

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 6 of 12

this is the program

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Message 7 of 12

The .zip file contains "Warehouse.ev3".  A Web search reveals that .ev3 is an extension for LEGO MindStore Projects, and there appears to be a free EV3 utility you can download that will open and let you interact with the file.


I think that if you want to learn to "translate" code written for a LEGO Mindstorm system into LabVIEW, you first need to understand EV3, and figure out what the Warehouse routine is doing.  Once you know what you want to do, you can begin to figure out "how to do it in LabVIEW".

Have you sought help in LEGO sites?


Bob Schor

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Message 8 of 12

Haven't, but I kinda understand what is the program about, my only problem is Im not so familiar with LV. For example, I don't know how to assign 20 elements in an array to true and then allow the user to select which element to be changed to false. 

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Message 9 of 12

I tried to learn it from yt, but the one i ended up with is something like this. It is strange because I find no way to connect it with EV3 with that pink color line and I also have no idea how to let the user choose which element to change.

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Message 10 of 12