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USB communication threw VISA stuck

I wrote a simple application with LV 8.5 to a CNT-90 pendulum counter

the communication with the counter is by USB and I use VISA to asstablish communication

my application just send :READ? command in while loop

the problem is that after a few hours the communication stuck the REMOTE label in the counter disappir and can reasstablish commincation

only when I turn off and on  the counter

when I'm using another application  that written  with c++ and the same H.W there is no problem .


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Message 1 of 6

Howdy Guyco,


I'm curious if you're using any timing, such as a Wait Function, in your while loop.  If you are overloading your bus, your instrument might be getting confused because two different messages were merged together.  Also, the messages could be getting processed out of order.  Can you elaborate a little more on what happens to inject a REMOTE command to your instrument?  This information would help to track down where exactly the fault is happening.  Thanks, I look forward to hearing back from you!


Chris G in AE
Message 2 of 6

Hi Chris

thsnk you for your response

I didn't use any timing in the while loop.I'm using with timeout property to wait to the results

I noticed that the fault happens only with compiled file (.exe) when .vi runnig there is no fault

thanks again



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Message 3 of 6



Are you running the .exe on a different computer than you are developing on?  If this is the case, you might try repairing the GPIB and VISA drivers.  You can do this from the Control Panel » Add Remove Programs » National Instruments Software.  Also, check to see that the driver versions are the same between computers.  


Please let me know if they are on the same computer and I will check into some other options.  However, I am still curious what happens to inject a REMOTE command to your instrument.  This still might give us some information that we can use to help find the solution.  Thanks!


Chris G in AE
Message 4 of 6

Hi Chris

You right .this problem happens  with another computer

both computer has NI-VISA 4.4

which line i need to repair there is several NI-VISA lines

I don't use GPIB only USB

thank you

You are very helpful



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Message 5 of 6



Instead of repairing, you might try downloading the latest VISA driver version and installing it on both computers to see if the problem can be replicated on the development machine too.  Also, what version of LabVIEW are you using, and is this the same as the runtime version you have on your deployment machine?  Additionally, are you exporting your Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) configuration by hand, or are you creating an installer?  If you are creating an installer, make sure that the settings are actually transferring properly between machines.  A last step might be to try installing LabVIEW on the deployment machine and running the VI to see if the problem follows the program configuration or the specific hardware configuration of the deployment machine.  


Chris G in AE
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Message 6 of 6