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Use PFI0 on Compact DAQ chasis 9178 as Input Event

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I have a Compact DAQ Chasis 9178, and I have connect a 5V Input signal to it.
From a detector Sensor.


I want do use the Signal in Labview. It possible to convert this signal to a Boolean true or False?


I want to read this signal directly from my VI.


Thank You


0 Kudos
Message 1 of 7

This Example may help you:


When you can set a stop criteria for the first arriving edge.

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 7

Thank You very much, now I Read PFI Input using the Internal counter.


I have created an VI an I want to use it in other Vi as Sub Vi, but I didnt get Output when I Ask for the Information thought an Sub VI.


Did you Know Why?



0 Kudos
Message 3 of 7

 I Ask for the Information thought an Sub VI

... I don´t understand what you mean. SubVIs tranfer Data over the connector pane. What do you mean when you say, you "ask" for information.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 7

I have create a VI that read the input PFI0 using an Internal Counter of the cDAQ. It works fine and schow the counter output.


But when I use this VI as an SUB vi, I a Main VI programm I dont receive the Counter information. 



0 Kudos
Message 5 of 7
Accepted by mgpc

So you have assigned your counter indicator in the SubVI to the connector pane?


If you do not know, what the connector pane is, then look for "connector panes, assigning terminals" in the LabVIEW help or look here.


If this is not your Problem - you have to be a little more specific. How do you expect the Main VI to "receive" the data, how did you programm it to do so?

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 7

Thank you for Your Answer,


I have analized the Sub Vi and saw the the problem was due an While Loop.


The sub Vi startet but dont go back to the main Vi


Thank you



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Message 7 of 7