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[Useless Code Corner] Make Constants look like Controls

Hi everybody,


check this out. I was out of it for a couple of minutes when I discovered this was possible...

Message 1 of 5

Very interesting.


Do you have the inverse code that would change things back to regular constants?

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Message 2 of 5

Pretty neat, I'll have to check that out when I am on my computer with LabVIEW but it seems that this is only possible to achieve with scripting correct?  I'll check tomorrow to see if there is an ini token for it.


Just curious, what kind of QD command are you working on?  I was working on making some of my own and it's always interesting to see what people put in to quick drop.

Matt J | National Instruments | CLA
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Message 3 of 5

To revert to normal constants, change to control/indicator and back to constant again, whether manually or with scripting. The Snippet shows an addition to the right of the ReplaceMethod in the originally posted VI that does this forward-backward change.



The QD shortcut I was working on was this:


Message 4 of 5

Congradulations, useless, and interesting. 

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Message 5 of 5