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Using IMS Mdrive motors

Hi: I have 4 Mdrive motors. i have to move them with a software creating a menu on it. I use Labwindows/CVI. I don´t know if I can´t send the instructions to move MDrive motors with Labwindows. I have seen that people use LabView to move them. I can use Labwindows as the same way as Labview?Using the same program?I´m using Rs232 example to send instructions.It is possible?I need help. It would be so much helpful if you could send me a example program in C++ to send instructions to move the motors and how to receive information of them as the current position.

Thanks so much

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Message 1 of 6

I don't remember the details, but these motors have a fairly simple ASCII protocol which should be documented. Basically, you send commands through the serial port. Your best bet is probably to look at their site and see if they have examples. If not, you will need to implement the relevant commands yourself.


If you have LabVIEW code which controls the motors, you can also look at it to see exactly which commands are sent, but eventually you're going to have to write some C code, as CVI can't run LabVIEW code directly.

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Message 2 of 6

I know I can´t use the same code as Labview in Labwindows but it is possible to do the motion with this software isn´t it? I don´t find any examples of the motion of the Mdrive motors with another software that it isn´t the IMS TERM. Don´t you have examples?


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Message 3 of 6
Hi friends
I am Joseph from London. I am trying to find the answer of your question so can you send some detail of the above question.

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Message 4 of 6

Attached is the document I have describing its protocol. I have no idea whether this will apply to the model you have. You should talk to IMS if you want proper answers.


As for how to send commands to the serial port in CVI, I'm sure the example finder has some examples if you search for "serial".

Try to take over the world!
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Message 5 of 6

Not sure if you're still working on your project, but I've worked with this IMS series of drives recently in LabVIEW and happened upon your post today.  The most current manuals and firmware can be found on the IMS site (  Note that the manuals specifically reflect the latest firmware releases.  You might want to consult with IMS in regards to firmware compatibility with your particular hardware should you wish to upgrade.  Alternately, they could most likely direct you to an appropriate version of the spec for your version/s of firmware if they're not up to date.



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Message 6 of 6