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Visa Flush I/O Error - 1073807298

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Hi everybody!

I am trying to work this subvi that is causing me problem. 

It used to be SERIAL PORT, then I converted it to VISA with some help with folks on this site.

But now, once in a while, my program gets stuck in a loop that is endless and it throw out the error message - 1073807298.

I tried looking help in the forum, but the last problem someone have like this is back in 2006 and I didnt see the vi solution but image solution.

I was wondering if someone can help me with this.



Does anyone know why this might be?

Best regards,
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Message 1 of 9

I am not sure if anybody would be able to help on this forum directly unless, of course, they had EXACTLY the same issue that you are facing right now. I would suggest doing some debugging on the hardware and software.

1. You mentioned that you changed the code from serial to visa. Can you explain this more clearly? Was something not working before that caused you to change it?

2. What happens if you try to run the code independently? Does that result in any errors?

3. Do you have any other similar hardware? If you try replacing your current one with that, does it still result in errors?

Adnan Zafar
Certified LabVIEW Architect
Coleman Technologies
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Message 2 of 9

I am not sure if anybody would be able to help on this forum directly unless, of course, they had EXACTLY the same issue that you are facing right now. I would suggest doing some debugging on the hardware and software. 

1. You mentioned that you changed the code from serial to visa. Can you explain this more clearly? Was something not working before that caused you to change it?

 I think I have this issue before, but when I come here and find answer for it, some folks told me to upgrade it to Visa and thats what I did. I changed it and it worked just like before, except, once in a while, my program will stall on this error. I would restart my computer, shutdown everything and restart again and the problem goes away for the mean time. every now and then i would see the same error.

My program work like this.

Set Pressure, set temperature, collect data for every cycle. It does like for like a day. 

every now and then this program will shall on SETTING temperature. MOST OF THE TIME, IT WORKS FINE.


2. What happens if you try to run the code independently? Does that result in any errors?

When I run the code without error, it works perfectly fine.

When I stop the program while its on its error, it will continue to give the same error.


3. Do you have any other similar hardware? If you try replacing your current one with that, does it still result in errors?

I have 4 similar hardware, and 1 of them works 100% while the other 3 randomly gives me error.


Best regards,
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Message 3 of 9

krispiekream wrote:

I am not sure if anybody would be able to help on this forum directly unless, of course, they had EXACTLY the same issue that you are facing right now. I would suggest doing some debugging on the hardware and software. 

1. You mentioned that you changed the code from serial to visa. Can you explain this more clearly? Was something not working before that caused you to change it?

 I think I have this issue before, but when I come here and find answer for it, some folks told me to upgrade it to Visa and thats what I did. I changed it and it worked just like before, except, once in a while, my program will stall on this error. I would restart my computer, shutdown everything and restart again and the problem goes away for the mean time. every now and then i would see the same error.

My program work like this.

Set Pressure, set temperature, collect data for every cycle. It does like for like a day. 

every now and then this program will shall on SETTING temperature. MOST OF THE TIME, IT WORKS FINE.


2. What happens if you try to run the code independently? Does that result in any errors?

When I run the code without error, it works perfectly fine.

When I stop the program while its on its error, it will continue to give the same error.


3. Do you have any other similar hardware? If you try replacing your current one with that, does it still result in errors?

I have 4 similar hardware, and 1 of them works 100% while the other 3 randomly gives me error.



That sounds like a hardware issue and if you say one widget works and the others do not... reminds me an old Joke tht I will adapt.


"How does a Knight of NI change a flat tire?"


"He keeps changing them until he finds the one that is flat."


It sounds like you have three flat tires.



Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
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Message 4 of 9

I am thinking I am not flushing the buffer?

I have no experience or expertise in this area.

Can someone help me? My program was Asynchronously and I changed it forSynchonously with Visa and Visa

Should I add a flush value to it?


mask designates the buffer to flush. Combine the buffer masks by bit to flush more than one buffer simultaneously. Use logical OR, also known as OR-ing or adding, to combine the values.

Mask Values Hex Codes Description
16 0x10 Flushes and discards contents of the receive buffer.
32 0x20 Flushes and discards contents of the transmit buffer by writing all the buffered data to the device.
64 0x40 Flushes and discards contents of the receive buffer.
128 0x80 No I/O to the device.


I am thinking the if i leave it blank. its default is "16"?



Best regards,
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Message 5 of 9

with "64" as my flush buffer value. i get this warning sign.


Best regards,
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Message 6 of 9

Is there a particular reason you are flushing the buffer?


With all the serial stuff I've worked with, I've never needed to do a buffer flush.



PS:  Something is odd about your error probe for it to show the error number in scientific notation.
Message Edited by Ravens Fan on 05-26-2010 04:19 PM
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Message 7 of 9

I dont know if i have to flush the buffer.

i didnt do it on the system that is working so i am just trying things as suggested on previous threads to find a solution.

ppl say to do syncholonously vs asynchonously, and ppl say to flush the visa buffer?

i am using VISA 3.3, maybe i should upgrade to VISA 4.62 and see if that fixes any problems.


OR maybe I can try to CLEAR buffer?

But i dont know where I would put it.



my system sometimes have a hardtime ending the program or even starting one. 

i think its all due to this program. 

Closing the VISA port and opening the VISA port?


Message Edited by krispiekream on 05-26-2010 04:27 PM
Best regards,
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Message 8 of 9
Accepted by krispiekream

I dont know if i solved the problem, but it looked like it.

It seems to be that the USB hub is causing this.

I disconnected the usb hub and went directly to computer USB and it seems to do the trick.

Best regards,
Message 9 of 9