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Weird XP errors ever since I installed LabVIEW 2012

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Greetings NI,


   My original problem was a Sentinel Protection Installer conflict - see and


   Now, I did the fix for LabVIEW 2009 and later, no problems there. But now I am getting an XP error noise (the 2 piano notes) after I log in after I implemented the Sentinel fix. If I don't log in immediately, say 30 seconds - 1 minute, I get a "beep" from the machine, not XP. But if I log in when the start screen comes up where I have to enter my password, we're good.


    I also notice after I shut down I get a "lktsrv.exe" error - similar to this post -


   Any suggestions? I've never had these noises before and can only attribute it to the LabVIEW install.




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Message 1 of 4

Oh I must note that I don't have any devices hooked up to it - i.e., GPIB, etc.

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Message 2 of 4
Accepted by topic author TheLT

Hello LT, 


Thank you for posting on our forums as well as providing us with background information on your issue. These XP "error noises" could possibly be related to several services (lktsrv.exe for example) that are attempting to start upon boot up of your Windows XP machine. To remove this error, try and set your services to startup after your system boots up, and only when they are actually needed. You can do so manually by following the information on this KnowledgeBase article. 

Huntington W
National Instruments
Applications Engineer

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  Yes! That solved it! Thanks!



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