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Windows Media Player error in subVI

I can't get Windows Media Player to operate properly in a subVI.   I downloaded an example WMP VI from this forum and it worked great as long as it was the main VI.  If I called it as a subVI, WMP didn't function properly.
I've run several WMP examples successfully when WMP was part of the main VI.  When I put WMP into a subVI it only runs the first time.  After I close the subVI bring in back, WMP starts playing, but doesn't display the video.  I've implemented the same concept in VB6 and it works great.  There must be some background cleanup going on in the main VI that isn't happening in the sub VI.  Any idea what I might be doing wrong?
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Message 1 of 14
Can you post your code looks like some problem in the property node u r using.did u use it inside the while loop?
Message 2 of 14
You also need to specify which version of Windows Media Player you are using. Different versions have different interfaces. Posting the VI would be best, but if you post a picture only please specify which version of LabVIEW you are using since there are known problems between certain versions of LabVIEW and certain versions of WMP.
Message 3 of 14
Thanks for the quick response.  I'm using LV 8.2.1 and WMP 11.  I am open to using another version of WMP or another media player.  My examples are attached.  runs fine again and again when it is run by itself as the main VI. calls as a sub VI and works fine the first time.  On the second call, WMP starts playing, but nothing is displayed.
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Message 4 of 14
Works in Windows Media Player 11, LabVIEW 8.5.  What is the file path for the *.avi?  -SS

Message Edited by ShotSimon on 07-17-2008 01:18 PM

Message Edited by ShotSimon on 07-17-2008 01:19 PM

Message 5 of 14
I just tried it in 8.2. I also have WMP 11 installed. It doesn't work properly.

I've seen this behavior with an earlier version of WMP, and it was supposed to have been fixed in WMP 10, although I never tried it. It's possible that WMP 11 changed something that makes it broken in 8.2, but not in 8.5. You may want to try to download the eval version of 8.5 to verify this works properly. If you cannot upgrade to 8.5 then I would suggest using a different player, or trying a different solution. For instance, are you trying to display a countdown? How about just a picture indicator or picture ring that displays the individual frames?

Message Edited by smercurio_fc on 07-17-2008 01:34 PM
Message 6 of 14
The countdown AVI was just a simple example.  I have several other large AVIs for use by my application.  I have the LV 8.5 CDs.  I may install and give it a try.  I will also explore some other multimedia ActiveX controls.   
Thanks for the feedback.
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Message 7 of 14
Hello I'm new to the blog and new to using the Labview, actually I got in to it because of work.... rigth now I'm working in a little software for children and they want me to let the children see videos inside the program and I have to use a subvi, my problem is similar to the one you where already talking about..... in my case the firts time I run the subvi that has the wmp it runs just fine but after you close it and recall it the wmp give out errors 97 and 1045 that are realted to the property node, the close reference icon and an unknow icon (beats me what it is) basically the error is a Null Refnum passed in as an input and what it does is slow down the video stream of the player it still plays video an sound but the video is not running smoothly .... I've tried using the error handlers that labview has (LB 8.5 is the one I'm using) but the error is still there .... so please any help is apreciated a lot .... by the way I'm not really a programer or any caint of software specialist or have a formation on it (environmental engineer is my career) so please keep the answers simple (not that I'm clueless but still a beginner no question about it) ok thank you.... and sorry for the long post... I tend to write like this
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Message 8 of 14



It looks like the previous posters found that the problem came from the versions of LabVIEW and Windows Media Player. You are using LabVIEW 8.5, but what version of WMP are you using? Also, if you post your code or a screenshot of it, it may be easier to see what problems you are running in to.


Also, if your question is not exactly the same, you can create a new post instead of adding on to one that is a year old, and this will be more visible to the community and generally get more responses.



Stephen S.

National Instruments
Applications Engineering
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Message 9 of 14
  Thanks for the tips Stephen I'll follow them ..... the new post it's going to have the file of the vi I'm trying to use
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Message 10 of 14