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Wrong waveform graph x axis time duration being shown

Further to the prompt reply to my previous problem, here's a related problem that has appeared:


I recored some experimental data using a VI that saves it to binary file. The waveform measurment was ~ 20 minutes long, sampled (= dt) every 1 millisec.

waveform time pic.PNGtime span fault.PNG

However, the timestamps on the x axis of "Saved binary data" (see second image) do *not* match the time span. It shows a span of ~30 seconds. I checked the "dt" of the waveforms being wired into this graph, and dt does indeed =0.001

I can't see how to correct this. Any help gratefully received.


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Message 1 of 4

How large it the Y array?  Is it long enough to give you 20 minutes worth of data factoring in the dT value?


What program is creating this file?  Is it writing 20 minutes worth of data at one time?  Or multiple lengths of 30 second data?

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Message 2 of 4

Check the size of the waveform.  Also check that the x axis is set to autoscale

"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
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Message 3 of 4

It appears that the sampling rate (quickest possible = 1mm between voltage measurements) was too fast. Extending the intervals to say 100ms, but a longer collection (so same size array), meant that LV displayed the timestamp correctly.


Is LV known to behave erratically when processing such quickly sampled voltages?

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Message 4 of 4